Directed by Rene Clement this taut suspense thriller received unanimous critical acclaim. Charles Bronson, at the peak of his powers, plays arrogant Investigator Harry Dobbs. When a woman murders...

CDON | 21.11.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Winner of Grammy and Academy Awards for its pulsating song score, Purple Rain marks the electrifying movie debut of Prince as The Kid, a Minneapolis club musician as alienated as he is talented....

CDON | 21.11.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Self-centred car exporter Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) attends his estranged father's funeral to collect his inheritance. To his surprise, he discovers the money is going to Raymond (Dustin Hoffman),...

CDON | 21.11.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle