Drive open 50 vm.2012 käyttöön otettu (2016) yamaha 60 hv vm.2016 aj. N. 320h järvikäytössä ollut.kosketusnäyttö karttaplotteri/kaiku, ajokuomu patjasarja satamapeite, ns. Kaikki varusteet,...
Tori | 13.03.2024 | Espoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleVene ja moottori ostettu ja rekisteröity 2012 Joulukuussa, otettu käyttöön keväällä 2013. -Karttaplotteri Garmin 720s , kosketusnäytöllä päivitetty 2019. -Kaikuluotain anturi -Pehmustetyynysarja...
Nettivene | 27.08.2022 | Luhanka Ilmianna ylläpidolleVene on ollut kesäisin Oulujärvellä vähällä käytöllä. Veneessä muovi sisustus, matot lattialla sekä pehmustetyynyt istuimilla. Tuulilasin takana kaksi kääntyvää kuppi-istuinta....
Nettivene | 16.07.2022 | Paltamo Ilmianna ylläpidolleVenepaketti on otettu käyttöön v. 2013. Majavatuotteen IKH traileri vuosimallia 2011 sisältyy hintaan. Vene huollettu syksyllä 2021, jonka jälkeen ei ole ollut vedessä. Vaihdetaan saman...
Nettivene | 05.08.2022 | Kokkola Ilmianna ylläpidolleOstetaan oneplus open. Kuitti oltava. Nouto turusta, maksu mobilepay.Tarjoa.
Tori | 11.03.2024 | Turku Ilmianna ylläpidolleLisätiedot Musta suojakotelo oneplus openiin. Sisältää eteen, ja taakse suojan. Tässä tuotetietoa:
Tori | 09.03.2024 | Kangasala Ilmianna ylläpidolleHameet, mekot ja tunikat, koko: XL, naisten Upea avoin abaya, käyttämätön ja laput kiinni. Nahkaosat ovat nahan näköistä joustavaa kangasta. Koko L/XL, pituus sopiva n. 170+cm siskolle....
Tori | 13.02.2024 | Lahti Ilmianna ylläpidolleTILAA oma OPEN valokyltti!Tilaa laittamalla viestiä ja voimme katsoa yhdessä ideoitasi!
Tori | 27.01.2024 | Espoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleHEBIE-ketjusuoja ´´Chainglider Open´´ -muovi, itsepalvelukokoonpanon ketjusuoja polkupyörille, joissa napavaihde, sopii myös Dual Drive -sovellukselle, vaatteiden ja ketjujen suojaus, vähän...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleArticle number: RERCD0014Artist: Ely JoeBarcode: 0691835876634Distributor: Border MusicLabel: RACK EM RECOMedia: CDRelease date: 2024-08-02Units in packaging: 1
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleWarm balaclava. Fabric: Fully ribbed 100% Acrylic. One size. Ref: UTRG1443
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleGROHE Pohjaventtiili push-open - Kromisku: 40824000, brand: GROHE, ean: 4005176332975
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleLEGO 2K Drive on suuren mittaluokan korkeatasoinen ajopeli, jossa yhdistyvät suositut LEGO-palikat ja avoimen pelimaailman ajokisat osaksi tutkimista, rakentamista ja luovaa hauskanpitoa.
Vpd | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolle
LEGO 2K Drive on suuren mittaluokan korkeatasoinen ajopeli, jossa yhdistyvät suositut LEGO-palikat ja avoimen pelimaailman ajokisat osaksi tutkimista, rakentamista ja luovaa hauskanpitoa.
Vpd | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolle
HUOM! Peli ei sisällä pelikasettia, kotelossa on ainoastaan latauskoodi! LEGO 2K Drive on suuren mittaluokan korkeatasoinen ajopeli, jossa yhdistyvät suositut LEGO-palikat ja avoimen pelimaailman...
Vpd | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleKengät, koko: 34, unisex Molo driven talvisaappat, vedestävät. Koko 35 (lähempänä 33-34) Loskakeleille ihan parhaat kengät. Olikin meille liian pienet, joten nämä ihanuudet tarjolla...
Tori | 22.02.2024 | Ylöjärvi Ilmianna ylläpidolleTakit ja päällysvaatteet, koko: M, miesten Tiedän että se olet sinä, Ryan gosling! tästä sinulle oma drive elokuvasta tuttu takki joten eikun hanskat käteen, blehat silmille, takki päälle...
Tori | 21.02.2024 | Outokumpu Ilmianna ylläpidolleMyydään hyväkuntoinen elokuva Drive. Postikulut lisätään.
Tori | 11.02.2024 | Harjavalta Ilmianna ylläpidolleSuositut haut
Vastaavia tuotteita on aiemmin myyty näillä hinnoilla
Drive 56 Open
2017 rekisteröity vene ( valmistettu 2014) moottori 2017, vesihiihtokaari, tilttiratti, hydr. ohjaus, sähkötrimmit Joystick käytöllä. Hieno täydellinen paketti nettohinnalla. Rekisteröity vm. 2017 traileri Respo 1500 kg 2000€:n lisähinnalla
Nettivene | 21.02.2018 | ParainenDrive 56 Open
Ajamaton vene, tilttiratti, hydr. ohjaus, kuomu, uimaportaat, kulkuvalot, tuulilasinpyyhin. Uusi 2017 rekisteröity jarrullinen 1500 kg:n Respo traileri 2000€:n lisähinnalla.
Nettivene | 21.02.2018 | ParainenDrive 50 open
veneen ensirekisteri 2017 moottori mecury 50 hp 2017 ajettu 66t. kuomut,täys patjasarja, plotteri 9lowrance kompassi,uimaportaat,mukaan uusi karhutraileri 750kg rekisterissä
Nettivene | 28.11.2017 | KaarinaOpe
moi opel nasta rengaat. opel aluvanteet
Tori | 14.12.2017 |WE HQ: Open Source & Application Innovation Data Business Lead (1080967)
Open Source & Application Innovation Data Business Lead WE Area Any country EMEA The open source ecosystem is constantly evolving, vibrant with innovation, community developments, and events. From Linux and Docker to Node.js, Hadoop and NoSQL, just to name a few, open source projects and communities are flourishing and being adopted at a faster rate. At Microsoft, we are embracing and harnessing the power of open source through first class experiences in the hybrid cloud, increased support for open source and open standards. We are making, key investments, and building partnerships with open source vendors, projects and communities. The Open Source Data & Application Business Lead is the Business owner driving Microsoft's OSS & Apps strategy for developers that leverage OSS databases (NoSQL, Hadoop, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) as well as driving the Open Source data strategy for the Western European Area (12 subsidiaries). This role is responsible for accelerating Microsoft Azure growth by ensuring the right level of market awareness and selling capability/capacity through our sellers and partners (like Cloudera, HortonWorks, etc.) The role is instrumental in ensuring Microsoft's long-term success in an evolving industry. It brings unique skills and perspective to the field and helps Microsoft be more competitive by addressing new growth opportunities in the cloud for developers that use Open Source databases. The central pivot for the OSS & Apps Data Business Lead role is how we work with open source to accelerate our Azure cloud business in Europe. The OSS & Apps Lead engages with and enables sales teams so they can capture the entire cloud opportunity, including cloud OSS deals. They also own the Open Source Database audience end to end, drives the value proposition and engages with the purpose of building pipeline. Key responsibilities •Lead execution of the GTM strategy to monetize the OSS & Apps Data opportunity: oOrchestrate landing of the Azure OSS & Apps priority scenarios (Azure 10 and PST) in Westen Europe in partnership with the C&E Lead, C+E PMMs, CMO and key sales roles like AMs, ATSs, SSPs, TSPs, PPS, CSAs, DSAs, PSEs, PDUs, PTUs, PBEs, TEs, GBBs, and others oTrack business performance - engagement, pipeline, revenue and consumption - build insights and share with stakeholders: local, Corp and other areas •Recruit and enable the Azure OSS & Apps partner channel: oIdentify, recruit and enable partners (both SIs and ISVs) in conjunction with ENTERPRISE , GSMO and COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING in the subsidiaries oConnect them to MS Azure OSS & Apps sales efforts to increase Azure MAL penetration and Azure Consumed Revenue through. oDrive local joint selling with key OSS GISVs (e.g. Cloudera, HortonWorks, etc.) by leveraging the field playbook. •Drive seller capacity & readiness, enable OSS&Apps technical seller community: oBuild and change internal and external perceptions of Microsoft and open source from compete to how we need open source to be successful in the cloud. This includes a lighthouse OSS & Apps customer evidence development work. oAssist with recruiting and onboarding of local Azure OSS & Apps specialist roles. oOrchestrate and lead local execution of broad C+E BGs and seller Azure OSS & Apps readiness. •Build a strong Azure OSS & Apps plan and lead execution in Europe. Coach and mentor subsidiary BG leads and sales champs to meet local Azure goals Knowledge, experience and skills Here is what we loved for you to bring to this role or be passionate to learn about: •Deep knowledge of the open source ecosystem including technologies, languages and trends, business models, actors and competitors as well as influencers and communities. Willingness and motivation to continue to build OSS and Application knowledge. Technically adept. •+8 years of experience in technical sales, marketing, business development or as a technologist in a multinational company handling multi-stakeholder strategy and go to market campaigns •Technical experience in Open Source databases, NoSQL, Hadoop, etc. , •Enterprise Sales background •Ability to lead sales and parner teams •Past success in demonstrating your ability to work effectively with multiple teams and stakeholders while generating energy, creating clarity and delivering results to the team and broader organization •Cumputer Science or Electrical Engineering (B.S. /B.A) required, MBA preferred •Drive for Results: Tenaciously pursues positive outcomes, using effective approaches to solve problems. Delivers on commitments and seeks increasingly challenging work. Takes responsibility and appropriately holds others responsible for actions, decisions, and goals. •Customer and Partner Focus: Anticipates customer and partner needs, and focuses efforts to proactively meet and exceed their expectations. Recognizes and acknowledges quickly the problems, obstacles, and issues that customers and partners want to solve, and creates, or facilitates the creation of, the right products and services. •Influencing Others: Communicates and networks effectively. Successfully persuades and influences others. Creates buy-in and change with people at all levels of the organization. •Collaboration: Drives alignment and teamwork within a team, department, or across source organizational boundaries. Combines resources and joins efforts in order to achieve Microsoft's goals. •Sound Judgment / Deep Insight: Effectively scopes problems. Builds and applies a job-relevant knowledge base. Makes decisions with conviction. •Adaptability: Demonstrates curiosity, and actively explores options. Responds efficiently to changing demands and circumstances. Functions effectively in ambiguous situations. Maintains a positive attitude in times of stress. Join us as an Enterprise Open Source and Application Innovation Data Business Lead for WE Area C+E Business Group and be one who empowers billions! Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity. All applications for vacant positions will be welcomed and will be considered on the relative merits of the applicant against the role profile for the position regardless of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, parental responsibilities, age, religion, or belief.
Duunitori | 16.11.2017 | EspooOpen tuoli
opettajan tuoli hyvä ja tukeva
Tori | 30.03.2018 |Open road
open road 1-7.vanhat lukion kirjat.
Tori | 26.03.2018 | OuluOpen talvirenkaat
Kuvan renkaat myynnissä renkaineen ja vanteineen.Ollut autossa opel ignisia.
Tori | 10.03.2018 | EspooOpen road
Hyvässä kunnossa oleva lukion kirja
Tori | 18.02.2018 | VantaaOpelle mökki
halutaan vuokrata mökki tai rt- talo. 1-5kk. kemijärveltä tai ympäristöstä
Tori | 11.02.2018 |