Eight hungry aliens have escaped from a prison planet and land near a small town in Kansas. They take over the Brown household, eat the goldfish and then go after the human occupants. Outer space...
CDON | 04.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleOBS: Ej svensk text!Box set containing all four 'Critters' titles. In 'Critters' (1986), eight hungry aliens have escaped from a prison planet and land near a small town in Kansas. They take...
CDON | 04.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleExclusively released by EMI Finland.David Lee Roth assembled the David LeeRoth band for the release of the David LeeRoth album, also known as DLR Band.Thiswas his response to the Gary Cherone...
Tori | 19.10.2023 | Hyvinkää Ilmianna ylläpidolleRumba-lehtiä vuosilta 1988-2008. Hinta 3e/kpl. Nouto Vantaalta Pähkinärinteestä tai postitus, jolloin hintaan lisätään toimituskulut. Myynnissä seuraavat numerot:16/1988: David Lee Roth,...
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Tori | 08.03.2024 | Kouvola Ilmianna ylläpidolleSuositut haut
Vastaavia tuotteita on aiemmin myyty näillä hinnoilla
David Lee Roth Eat Em and Smile vinyyli
Van Halenin keulahahmon David Lee Rothin soolobändin vinyylilevy Eat Em And Smile hyvässä kunnossa!
Tori | 03.01.2018 | JyväskyläLP-levyt 50 kpl, Pop, Rock, Metal vinyylit - HALPA
Myydään LP-levyt, levyjen kunto kansineen on pääosin erittäin hyvä (EX), hinnat perässä. Hinnat alkaen 4 euroa per levy.AC/DC: Dirty Deeds ... 12 eurAC/DC: Let There Be Rock 12 eurAngel City: Face to Face 6 eurAngkor Wat: When Obscenity Becomes the Norm 8 eurBeatles: 20 Golden Hits, 12 eurBeatles: 1967-1970 sininen tupla-lp, 20 eurBon Jovi: New Jersey 10 eurChris De Burgh: Flying Colours 4 eurChrome Molly: Angst 5 eurDavid Lee Roth: Eat Em and Smile 4 eurDingo: Pyhä Klaani 5 eurExtreme: Extreme -89 8 eurGeorgia Satellites: Open All Night 5 eurHector: Kadonneet lapset 10 eurJag Panzer: Casting the Stones, clear vinyl 20 eurJarre: Revolutions 5 eurJoe Jackson: Body and Soul 5 eurJoe Jackson: Night and Day 5 eurJoe Jackson: Big World 5 eurJohn Mellencamp: Big Daddy 4 eurJudas Priest: Stained Class 12 eurJude Cole: A View From 3rd Street 4 eurMagnum: Kingdom of Madness 8 eurMagnum: II 8 eurMordred: Fools Game 10 eurNeljä Ruusua: Hyvää Päivää 6 eurPeter Gabriel: Peter Gabriel -82 6 eurPhil Collins: Hello, I Must Be Going 5 eurPolice: Synchronicity 8 eurPolice: Zenyatta Mondatta 8 eurRacer X: Street Lethal 7 eurRacer X: Second Heat 7 eurRolling Stones: Steel Wheels 10 eurSade: Promise 5 eurSilverfish: Organ Fan 5 eurSting: The Dream of the Blue Turtles 7 eurTed Nugent: Little Miss Dangerous 7 eurTina Turner: Foreign Affair, Break Every Rule 4 eur kplU2: Unforgettable Fire 8 eurU2: Rattle and Hum 2LP 10 eurZodiac Mindwarp: Tattoeed Beat Messiah 5 eur * = VARATTULevyt Kokkolassa, nouto tai postitus. Postikulut 6,90 euroa levyjen lukumäärästä riippumatta, toimitus pakettiautomaatin kautta.
Tori | 14.02.2018 | KokkolaDavid Lee Roth DLR CD (1998) Uusi - Ei Postikuluja
Exclusively released by EMI Finland.Following the disastrous near-reunion of Van Halen, David Lee Roth didnt lie down -- he wrote the vindictive, hilarious, near-brilliant memoir Crazy From the Heat, compiled The Best for Rhino, and finally, assembled the DLR Band for the release of the David Lee Roth album, his response to the Gary Cherone version of Van Halen. Where his former colleagues aimed at world domination and serious art with Van Halen III, Diamond Dave kept his aim low, turning in a sleazy little record that just wants to rock really hard. While Van Halen stumbled hard with their revamping, Roth succeeded in delivering a kind of miniature comeback. Granted, David Lee Roth didnt shake the charts, but it wasnt meant to be big; its a record that was made with the fans in mind, and they should be pleased by its down-and-dirty attitude. This is the hardest Roth has rocked since Eat em and Smile. The songs may not be as funny or memorable, and his new band doesnt reach the heights of Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan, but David Lee Roth benefits from its modest scale. It succeeds on its own terms, delivering a selection of fine, spirited metal songs that finds Roths charisma at a near peak. Ulkomailla levy tunnetaan nimellä DLR Band, joka sekin jonkinlainen harvinaisuus... puhumattakaan vain Suomessa David Lee Roth -nimellä julkaistu 1000 kpl:een painos. Kysytty ja haluttu levy - varsinkin ulkomailla.David Lee Roth - Vocals, HarmonicaJohn Lowery, Mike Hartman, Terry Kilgore - GuitarBurbon Bob, Tom Lilly - BassRay Luzier - DrumsGenre: hard rock, classic rock, album rockSlam Dunk:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QWS1P90PEQBiisilista:https://www.discogs.com/David-Lee-Roth-DLR-Band/release/4032648Exclusively licensed to EMI Finland. Limited Edition of 1000 copies.Levy-yhtiö: Wawazat!! Records / EMICD on UUSI.Nopeat ja luotettavat toimitukset !ILMAINEN TOIMITUS !
Tori | 17.01.2018 | HyvinkääDavid Lee Roth DLR CD (1998) Uusi - Ei Postikuluja
Exclusively released by EMI Finland.Following the disastrous near-reunion of Van Halen, David Lee Roth didnt lie down -- he wrote the vindictive, hilarious, near-brilliant memoir Crazy From the Heat, compiled The Best for Rhino, and finally, assembled the DLR Band for the release of the David Lee Roth album, his response to the Gary Cherone version of Van Halen. Where his former colleagues aimed at world domination and serious art with Van Halen III, Diamond Dave kept his aim low, turning in a sleazy little record that just wants to rock really hard. While Van Halen stumbled hard with their revamping, Roth succeeded in delivering a kind of miniature comeback. Granted, David Lee Roth didnt shake the charts, but it wasnt meant to be big; its a record that was made with the fans in mind, and they should be pleased by its down-and-dirty attitude. This is the hardest Roth has rocked since Eat em and Smile. The songs may not be as funny or memorable, and his new band doesnt reach the heights of Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan, but David Lee Roth benefits from its modest scale. It succeeds on its own terms, delivering a selection of fine, spirited metal songs that finds Roths charisma at a near peak. Ulkomailla levy tunnetaan nimellä DLR Band, joka sekin jonkinlainen harvinaisuus... puhumattakaan vain Suomessa David Lee Roth -nimellä julkaistu 1000 kpl:een painos. Kysytty ja haluttu levy - varsinkin ulkomailla.David Lee Roth - Vocals, HarmonicaJohn Lowery, Mike Hartman, Terry Kilgore - GuitarBurbon Bob, Tom Lilly - BassRay Luzier - DrumsGenre: hard rock, classic rock, album rockSlam Dunk:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QWS1P90PEQBiisilista:https://www.discogs.com/David-Lee-Roth-DLR-Band/release/4032648Exclusively licensed to EMI Finland. Limited Edition of 1000 copies.Levy-yhtiö: Wawazat!! Records / EMICD on UUSI.Nopeat ja luotettavat toimitukset !ILMAINEN TOIMITUS !
Tori | 16.11.2017 | HyvinkääLP-levyjä noin 40 kpl, Pop, Rock, Metal vinyyli
Myydään alla olevat LP-levyt, levyjen kunto kansineen on pääosin erittäin hyvä (EX), hinnat perässä. Hinnat alkaen 4 euroa per levy.AC/DC: Dirty Deeds ... 12 eurAC/DC: Let There Be Rock 12 eurAC/DC: Who Made Who 12 eurAngel City: Face to Face 6 eurAngkor Wat: When Obscenity Becomes the Norm 8 eurBlood of Kingu: De Occulta Philosophia 8 eurBlood of Kingu: Sun In The House Of The Scorpion 8 eurBruce Springsteen: Tunnel of Love 7 eurBurzum: From the Depths of Darkness 8 eur 2LP White vinylChris De Burgh: Flying Colours 4 eurChrome Molly: Angst 5 eurDavid Lee Roth: Eat Em and Smile 4 eurDingo: Pyhä Klaani 5 eurEric Clapton: Behind the Sun 10 eurGeorgia Satellites: Open All Night 5 eurHector: Kadonneet lapset 10 eurJarre: Revolutions 5 eurJoe Jackson: Body and Soul, Night and Day, Big World 5 eur kplJohn Mellencamp: Big Daddy 4 eurJudas Priest: Stained Class 12 eurMordred: Fools Game 10 eurNeljä Ruusua: Hyvää Päivää 6 eurPeter Gabriel: Peter Gabriel -82 6 eurPhil Collins: But Seriously 4 eurPolice: Synchronicity 8 eurPolice: Zenyatta Mondatta 8 eurRacer X: Street Lethal 7 eurRacer X: Second Heat 7 eurRolling Stones: Steel Wheels 10 eurSade: Promise 5 eurSilverfish: Organ Fan 5 eurSting: The Dream of the Blue Turtles 7 eurTed Nugent: Little Miss Dangerous 7 eurTina Turner: Foreign Affair, Break Every Rule 4 eur kplU2: Unforgettable Fire 8 eurU2: Rattle and Hum 2LP 10 eurZodiac Mindwarp: Tattoeed Beat Messiah 4 eur ZZ Top: El Loco 10 eurLevyt Kokkolassa, nouto tai postitus. Postikulut vain 5,90 euroa levyjen lukumäärästä riippumatta, toimitus pakettiautomaatin kautta. Yhteydenotot suoraan sähköpostilla [email protected]
Tori | 26.12.2017 |PunK / Rock /Heavy - LP:levyjä paljon erilaisia 3
Hinnat n. 8e ja siitä ylöspäin. Kysy tarkemmat kohdetiedot + hinnat viestitse.KUNTOLUOKITUS tuotteilla n. keskimäärin EX- joissa ei merkitty vielä esim. KANSI / LEVY: EX / VG+PunK / Rock /Heavy - LP:levyjä paljon erilaisia osa 3Killing Joke:- Revelations- Brighter than a tousand sunsLet them eat jelly beans! 18 extracts from americas darker sideLords of the new churts:- Lords of the new churts- Is nothing sacredM.O.D.:- Cross misconduct- Rythm of fearMadness:- Mad not mad- Absolutely- The rise & fall- One step beyond Mancester united UnitedMau maus Fear no evilMetallica:- ..and justice for all- Kill `em all- Master of puppets NM-/EX 96 04391 US-painos 1986 25,00e- Garage days re-revisitedMeteors:- Wrecking crew- The course of mutants- Horrible music for horrible people, by horrible bandMidnight oil Blue sky miningMielenhäiriö 1985 Minor threat Out of stepMisfits:- Earth A.D.- Misfits- Evil-live mini-LPMotörhead:- On parole- No remorse (nahkakantinen)- Rock `n`roll- City kids - Orgasmatron- Another perfect day- Ace of spades- Iron fist- No sleep Žtil hammersmith- OverkillNeil young Hawks & dovesNina Hagen:- Unbehagen- NunsexmonkŽrock- Nina Hagen bandOI!! - Carry on oi!!- Oi the album- Stenght thru Oi!!- That`s yer lot!Partisans The partisansPeter and the test tube babies Pissed and proudPeter and the test tube babies Loud blanring punk rock LPPeter Gabriel Xghs2011Peter Gabriel Peter gabrielPIL:- The flowers of romance- Paris au printemps- This is what you want mini LP- Happy?- Live in tokyo- Second edition.- Commercial zone- Album- Public image limitedPirates Skull warsPirates Johnny kidd Best ofPlasmatics New hope for the wretchedPlasmatics Coup dètatPogues:- Rum sodomy & the last- Poguetry in motion mini LP- If i should fall from grace with godProfessionals I didŽT see it comingPunk an disorderly KokoelmaPOSTITETTAESSA HINTAAN LISÄTÄÄN PK. 5.95e per 0.00-1.00KG
Tori | 01.10.2017 | Kouvola