The former Wham frontman filmed at his final two concerts at London's Earls Court arena on the 24th and 25th August 2008. Part of his '25 Live' tour, the shows marked a triumphant return to live...
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CDON | 06.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleKeitä jotain hauskaa ikioman julkkiskokin keittokirjan kanssa, sillä tämä Loungefly Disney-Pixar Ratatouille 15th Anniversary Gusteau's Cookbook Zip Around Wallet. Koko vetoketjullinen lompakko...
Vpd | 06.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleTietokirja lapsille. Georg August Wallin lähti henkensä kaupalla tutkimusmatkalle Arabian niemimaalle vuonna 1842. Matka kesti seitsemän vuotta. Wallin toi sieltä arvokasta aineistoa tutkijoiden...
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Seinäkello, design, Sunburst Wall Clock - Nelson
Aito (todistus mukana) George Nelsonin suunnittelema seinäkello. Variaatio: Walnut. Tietoa:ässä vastaava tuote (eri variaatio) suomalaisessa design-verkkokaupassa:! Vain nouto.
Tori | 22.04.2018 | TampereLee Falk: The Scorpia Menace (Mustanaamio)
Lee Falk: The Scorpia MenaceAlaotsikko: The Story of The Phantom / Lee Falks Original StoryISBN: 9781613451229Kustantaja: Herman PressKieli: SuomiPainovuosi: 2017Sivumäärä: 143Sidonta: Nidottu, pehmeäkantinenKunto: ErinomainenFor the first time ever, the Avon edition of The Phantom is back in print! Hermes Press is proud to announce that they will be publishing all fifteen pocket Avon books, starting in August 2016, and every other month thereafter! This exciting installment, Volume 3 offers the classic Lee Falk tale: The Scorpia Menace!Famed artist George Wilson (Dr. Solar, Magnus Robot Fighter, The Phantom) painted the cover for Volume #3 as he did with all of the covers used for the Avon series, and they are reproduced beautifully to keep all of the details from the original books intact for a new generation of Phans to enjoy!When her historical research brings her too close to the truth, Diana Palmer finds herself in deadly peril, and The Phantom moves into action to save his sweetheart and rout his ancient enemy.Is it possible that the same notorious pirate band that confronted The Phantom four centuries ago has survived into the present day?Asiasanat: mustanaamio, sarjakuva, jännitys, seikkailu
Tori | 08.03.2018 | JoensuuCharlie Christian T-Paita (XL), Uusi
Paidat, koko: 43 (XL), miesten Early jazz electric guitarist whose dazzling single note style unshackled the instrument from the rhythm section, immeasurably influential. It can be said without exaggeration that virtually every jazz guitarist that emerged during 1940-65 sounded like a relative of Charlie Christian. The first important electric guitarist, Christian played his instrument with the fluidity, confidence, and swing of a saxophonist. Although technically a swing stylist, his musical vocabulary was studied and emulated by the bop players, and when one listens to players ranging from Tiny Grimes, Barney Kessel, and Herb Ellis, to Wes Montgomery and George Benson, the dominant influence of Christian is obvious.Uusi Charlie Christian -T-Paita (XL )Paidan teksti:Charlie ChristianFather Of The Electric GuitarVäri: valkoinenKoko: XLMateriaali: 100% PuuvillaUUSIToimitus asiakkaan toivomalla tavalla.Vastaanottaja maksaa toimituskulut.Charlie Christians time in the spotlight was terribly brief. He played piano locally in Oklahoma, and began to utilize an amplified guitar in 1937, after becoming a student of Eddie Durham, a jazz guitarist who invented the amplified guitar. John Hammond, the masterful talent scout and producer, heard about Christian (possibly from Mary Lou Williams), was impressed by what he saw, and arranged for the guitarist to travel to Los Angeles in August 1939 and try out with Benny Goodman. Although the clarinetist was initially put off by Christians primitive wardrobe, as soon as they started jamming on Rose Room, Christians talents were obvious. Tragically, he contracted tuberculosis in 1941, and died at the age of 25 on March 2, 1942. It would be 25 years before jazz guitarists finally moved beyond Charlie Christian.
Tori | 18.02.2018 | HyvinkääCharlie Christian T-Paita (XL), Uusi
Paidat, koko: 43 (XL), miesten Early jazz electric guitarist whose dazzling single note style unshackled the instrument from the rhythm section, immeasurably influential. It can be said without exaggeration that virtually every jazz guitarist that emerged during 1940-65 sounded like a relative of Charlie Christian. The first important electric guitarist, Christian played his instrument with the fluidity, confidence, and swing of a saxophonist. Although technically a swing stylist, his musical vocabulary was studied and emulated by the bop players, and when one listens to players ranging from Tiny Grimes, Barney Kessel, and Herb Ellis, to Wes Montgomery and George Benson, the dominant influence of Christian is obvious.Uusi Charlie Christian -T-Paita (XL )Paidan teksti:Charlie ChristianFather Of The Electric GuitarVäri: valkoinenKoko: XLMateriaali: 100% PuuvillaUUSIToimitus asiakkaan toivomalla tavalla.Vastaanottaja maksaa toimituskulut.Charlie Christians time in the spotlight was terribly brief. He played piano locally in Oklahoma, and began to utilize an amplified guitar in 1937, after becoming a student of Eddie Durham, a jazz guitarist who invented the amplified guitar. John Hammond, the masterful talent scout and producer, heard about Christian (possibly from Mary Lou Williams), was impressed by what he saw, and arranged for the guitarist to travel to Los Angeles in August 1939 and try out with Benny Goodman. Although the clarinetist was initially put off by Christians primitive wardrobe, as soon as they started jamming on Rose Room, Christians talents were obvious. Tragically, he contracted tuberculosis in 1941, and died at the age of 25 on March 2, 1942. It would be 25 years before jazz guitarists finally moved beyond Charlie Christian.
Tori | 18.12.2017 | Hyvinkää