All 18 episodes from the seventh season of the Canadian drama set on Heartland, a family-run ranch in the Rocky Mountains dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of ailing horses. In this...
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Cow Palace Flyer 12/1977 - Ilmainen Toimitus
San Franciscossa Kaliforniassa pelanneen PHL-liigan ammattilaisjoukkueen SF Shamrocksin taitettava mainoslehtinen vuodelta 1977. Kotiottelunsa Shamrocks pelasi sittemmin puretussa Cow Palacessa.The San Francisco Shamrocks were a Minor Professional hockey team based in San Francisco, CA playing in the Pacific Hockey League from 1977 to 1979. The team played in the Cow Palace Arena in Daly City.The Pacific Hockey League was a short-lived attempt to form an independent, low-budget minor league loop in Arizona, California and Washington state in the late 1970s. According to Scott Surgents Complete Historical and Statistical Reference to the World Hockey Association, the idea for the PHL took root at the 1977 World Hockey Association All-Star Game thanks to serial sports entrepreneur Dennis Murphy (a founder of the WHA, American Basketball Association and Roller Hockey International among other start-ups) and former WHA executive Walt Marlow of the Indianapolis Racers.The WHA was a big budget league locked in an expensive and losing battle with the NHL for markets and free agents. It was also about to enter a contraction phase, with four clubs dropping out after the 1976-77 season. The PHL concept gained momentum when the San Diego Mariners WHA club dropped out of the league in the spring of 1977, leaving San Diego Sports Arena owner Peter Graham without a winter tenant. Long Beach, California took a franchise (the Sharks also reviving an old WHA name and logo). And, less than two weeks before opening night, another WHA casualty the Phoenix Roadrunners jumped from the Central Hockey League to the PHL to round out the first season line-up with four clubs.Flyerin mitat:- Taitettuna:Korkeus: 21,50 cmLeveys: 9,50 cm- Avattuna:Korkeus: 21,50 cmLeveys: 28 cmPainopaikka: USAKunto: uudenveroinenNopeat ja luotettavat toimitukset.ILMAINEN TOIMITUS !
Tori | 07.02.2018 | HyvinkääCow Palace Flyer 12/1977 - Ilmainen Toimitus
San Franciscossa Kaliforniassa pelanneen PHL-liigan ammattilaisjoukkueen SF Shamrocksin taitettava mainoslehtinen vuodelta 1977. Kotiottelunsa Shamrocks pelasi sittemmin puretussa Cow Palacessa.The San Francisco Shamrocks were a Minor Professional hockey team based in San Francisco, CA playing in the Pacific Hockey League from 1977 to 1979. The team played in the Cow Palace Arena in Daly City.The Pacific Hockey League was a short-lived attempt to form an independent, low-budget minor league loop in Arizona, California and Washington state in the late 1970s. According to Scott Surgents Complete Historical and Statistical Reference to the World Hockey Association, the idea for the PHL took root at the 1977 World Hockey Association All-Star Game thanks to serial sports entrepreneur Dennis Murphy (a founder of the WHA, American Basketball Association and Roller Hockey International among other start-ups) and former WHA executive Walt Marlow of the Indianapolis Racers.The WHA was a big budget league locked in an expensive and losing battle with the NHL for markets and free agents. It was also about to enter a contraction phase, with four clubs dropping out after the 1976-77 season. The PHL concept gained momentum when the San Diego Mariners WHA club dropped out of the league in the spring of 1977, leaving San Diego Sports Arena owner Peter Graham without a winter tenant. Long Beach, California took a franchise (the Sharks also reviving an old WHA name and logo). And, less than two weeks before opening night, another WHA casualty the Phoenix Roadrunners jumped from the Central Hockey League to the PHL to round out the first season line-up with four clubs.Flyerin mitat:- Taitettuna:Korkeus: 21,50 cmLeveys: 9,50 cm- Avattuna:Korkeus: 21,50 cmLeveys: 28 cmPainopaikka: USAKunto: uudenveroinenNopeat ja luotettavat toimitukset.ILMAINEN TOIMITUS !
Tori | 30.11.2017 | HyvinkääLP levyjä 3
Kuntoarvio levy/kansi. Kaikki levyt on tarvittaessa pesty. Tarkemmat painos tiedot tai kuvat saa kysymällä. Postit tarvittaessa 6 eur.Tarkista myös muut ilmoitukseni. KlikkaaIlmoittajan kaikki ilmoituksetERIC BURDON AND THE ANIMALS, s/t, Nm/Vg+, 8eERIC BURDON DECLARES WAR, s/t, Vg/Vg, 5eERIC CLAPTON, August, Nm/Nm, 10eERIC CLAPTON, August, Nm/Vg+, 8eERIC CLAPTON, Backtrackin, Nm/Vg+, 10eERIC CLAPTON, Theres One In Every Crowd, Vg/Vg, 5eEURYHTMICS, Sweet dreams, Vg/Vg, 5eEURYTHMICS, Greatest hits, Nm/Vg+, 8eEURYTHMICS, Revenge, Vg+/Vg+, 5eEVA DAHLGREN, Ett Fönster Mot Gatan, Vg+/Vg, 4eEVA DAHLGREN, Tvillingskäl, Vg+/Vg, 4eEVE, s/t, Vg+/Vg+, 5eEVELY BROTHERS, Best of, Nm/Vg+, 5eEXORCIST 2, Soundtrack, Vg/Vg, 6eFABULOUS THUNDERBIRDS, Powerfull stuff, Vg+/Vg+, 8eFAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH, Movie st, Vg+/Vg, 3eFLASH & THE PAN, s/t, Vg+/Vg, 3eFOCUS, Greatest hits, Vg+/Vg, 8eFOUR TOPS, Live & In Concert, Nm/Vg+, 4eFOUR TOPS, Night Lights Harmony, Vg+/vg, 4eFRANK ZAPPA, Ship Arriving Too Late..., Vg+/Vg, 10eFRIDA (ABBA), Shine, Nm/Vg+, 4eGARY MOORE, Wild Frontier, Vg+/Vg+, 8eGENESIS, Lamb lies down on broadway, Vg+/Vg+, 12eGEORG MALMSTEN, Duurissa ja mollissa 2-lp, Nm/Vg+, 8eGILLAN, Future Shock, Vg+/Vg+, 10eGIPSY KINGS, Bamboleo, Nm/Nm, 7eGLENN FREY, Soul searching, Vg/Vg+, 4eGRAHAM BONNET, Line-up, Nm/Vg+, 8eHAIR, Soundtrack, Nm/Vg, 10eHEARN AID, All star album..., Vg+/Vg+, 10eHEART, s/t, Vg/Vg, 3eHECTOR, Herra Mirandos/Hectorock 1 2-LP, Nm/Vg+, 15eHECTOR, Hectorock 1, Nm/Vg+, 15eHECTOR, Varjot ja Lakanat, Vg/Vg+, 5eHELLOWEEN, Pink bubbles go ape, Vg+/Vg+, 15eHOODOO GURUS, Mars needs guitars, Nm/Vg+, 8eHOODOO GURUS, Blow your cool, Vg+/vg, 5eHOTHOUSE FLOWERS, People, Vg+/Vg+, 5eHOTHOUSE FLOWERS, Home, Nm/Vg+, 7eHOUNDS, Puttin on the dog, Nm/Vg, 5e
Tori | 13.03.2018 |LP levyt 3
Kuntoarvio levy/kansi. Kaikki levyt on pesty. Tarkemmat painos tiedot tai kuvat saa kysymällä. Postit tarvittaessa 6 eur.Eva Dahlgren, Ett Fönster Mot Gatan, Vg+/Vg, 4eEva Dahlgren, Tvillingskäl, Vg+/Vg, 4eEve, s/t, Vg+/Vg+, 5eEvely Brothers, Best of, Nm/Vg+, 5eExorcist 2, Soundtrack, Vg/Vg, 6eFabulous Thunderbirds, Powerfull stuff, Vg+/Vg+, 8eFast times at ridgemont high, Movie st, Vg+/Vg, 3eFirst Blood Rambo 1, soundtrack, Vg+/Vg+, 10eFirst Blood Rambo 2, soundtrack, Vg+/Vg+, 10eFlash & The Pan, s/t, Vg+/Vg, 3eFour Tops, Live & In Concert, Nm/Vg+, 4eFour Tops, Night Lights Harmony, Vg+/vg, 4eFrida (Abba), Shine, Nm/Vg+, 4eGary Holton and Mick Rossi, Sing it to me, Nm/Vg+, 10eGary Moore, Wild Frontier, Vg+/Vg+, 8eGenesis, Lamb lies down on broadway, Vg+/Vg+, 12eGeorg Malmsten, Duurissa ja mollissa 2-lp, Nm/Vg+, 8eGillan, Future Shock, Vg+/Vg+, 10eGipsy Kings, Bamboleo, Nm/Nm, 7eGlenn Frey, Soul searching, Vg/Vg+, 4eGraham Bonnet, Line-up, Nm/Vg+, 8eGringos Locos, s/t, Vg+/Vg+, 5eHearn aid, All star album..., Vg+/Vg+, 10eHeart, s/t, Vg/Vg, 3eHector, Herra Mirandos/Hectorock 1 2-LP, Nm/Vg+, 15eHector, Hectorock 1, Nm/Vg+, 15eHector, Varjot ja Lakanat, Vg/Vg+, 5eHelloween, Live in the U.K., Vg+/Vg+, 10eHelloween, Pink bubbles go ape, Vg+/Vg+, 15eHoodoo Gurus, Mars needs guitars, Nm/Vg+, 8eHoodoo Gurus, Blow your cool, Vg+/vg, 5eHothouse flowers, People, Vg+/Vg+, 5eHothouse flowers, Home, Nm/Vg+, 7eHounds, Puttin on the dog, Nm/Vg, 5eHSAS (Sammy Hagar), Through the fire, Nm/Vg+, 7eHueye Lewis And The News, s/t, Nm/Vg+, 5eIan Dury & The Blockheads, Do it yourself, Vg+/Vg+, 5eIan Hunter, All American Alien Boy, Vg+/Vg+, 5eIan Hunter, All Of The Good Ones Are Taken, Vg+/Vg+, 5eIggy Pop, Brick by Brick, Nm/Vg+, 20eIggy Pop, Instinct, Vg+/Vg+, 10eImperials, This years model, Nm/Vg+, 2eINXS, s/t, Vg+/Vg+, 8eINXS, The swing, Vg+/Vg+, 5e
Tori | 05.02.2018 |LP levyjä 2
Tarkista myös muut ilmoitukseni. Klikkaa Ilmoittajan kaikki ilmoituksetKuntoarviot Discogs.comin mukaan. Vg on vielä hyvin soiva levy. Kaikki soi kuitenkin ilman hyppyjä/jumeja. Kaikki levyt on pesty.Postit tarvittaessa 6 eur.Damned, Not the captains birthday party?, Nm/Vg+, 15eDaryl Hall & John Oates, Bigbamboom, Nm/Vg+, 5eDave Lindholm, Kuutamolla, Vg+/Vg, 20eDeep Purple, The Book Of Taliesyn, Nm/Nm, 15eDeep Purple, Made in Europe, Nm/Nm, 20eDef Leppard, HighnDry, G+/Vg, 5eDire Straits, Brothers In Arms, Vg/Vg, 10eDire Straits, Love Over Gold, G+/Vg, 5eDire Straits, Money For Nothing, Vg+/Vg+, 10eDonna Summer, She Works Hard For The Money, Vg+/Vg, 3eDonna Summer, s/t, Vg+/Vg, 3eDonna Summer, Live And More 2-LP, Vg+/Vg, 10eELO, New world record, G+/Vg, 3eELO, Time, G+/Vg, 3eElvin Bishop, Struttin my stuff, Vg+/Vg, 10eElvin Bishop, Rock my soul, Vg+/Vg, 10eElvin Bishop, Juke joint jump, Vg+/Vg, 10eElvis, Guitar Man, Nm/Nm, 10eEppu Normaali, Hatullinen P*skaa, Vg+/Vg, 15eEric Burdon and the animals, s/t, Nm/Vg+, 10eEric Burdon declares war, s/t, Vg/Vg, 10eEric Clapton, Theres One In Every Crowd, Vg/Vg, 5eEric Clapton, August, Nm/Nm, 10eEurope, Final Countdown, Vg+/Nm, 10eEurythmics, Revenge, Vg+/Vg+, 5eEve, s/t, Vg+/Vg+, 10eEva Dahlgren, Ett Fönster Mot Gatan, Vg+/Vg, 5eEva Dahlgren, Tvillingskäl, Vg+/Vg, 5eFast times at ridgemont high, Movie st, Vg+/Vg, 3eFlash & The Pan, s/t, Vg+/Vg, 3eFour Tops, Live & In Concert, Nm/Vg+, 5eFrida (Abba), Shine, Nm/Vg+, 5eFreud, Marx, Engels & Jung, Rintaan pistää..., Vg+/Vg, 10eGary Holton and Mick Rossi, Sing it to me, Nm/Vg+, 15eGary Moore, Run for cover, Vg+/Vg, 5eGary Moore, Wild Frontier, Vg+/Vg+, 10eGeordie, Hope you like it, Vg/Vg+, 12eGeorg Malmsten, Duurissa ja mollissa 2-lp, Nm/Vg+, 10eGraham Bonnet, Line-up, Nm/Vg+, 10eGreat love songs 3, 2-LP, Nm/Vg+, 4eGreat love songs 4, 2-LP, Nm/Vg+, 4eGringos Locos, s/t, Vg+/Vg+, 5e
Tori | 17.10.2017 |