Caroline Ducey stars in this erotic French drama written and directed by Catherine Breillat. Schoolteacher Marie (Ducey) is frustrated by her boyfriend Paul (Sagamore Stévenin)'s refusal to...

CDON | 19.09.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Drama based on the novel by Pierre Louys. The film takes place during a young schoolgirl's summer vacation at the home of a family friend, Melissa (Mona Kristensen). The young girl, Bilitis (Patti...

CDON | 19.09.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Wim Wenders directs and co-writes this romantic drama starring Bruno Ganz as Damiel, one of two angels who watch over the citizens of Berlin, listening to their thoughts. When he falls in love...

CDON | 19.09.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Violent anti-racist Western, based on events during the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre. A naive cavalry officer (Peter Strauss) and a resourceful young woman (Candice Bergen) survive a Native American...

CDON | 19.09.2024 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle