Classic British thriller adapted from Agatha Christie's novel. When beautiful socialite Arlena Marshall (Diana Rigg) is found strangled on a Mediterranean island, there is no shortage of suspects...

CDON | 05.01.2025 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Upplev Robin Williams som den vuxne Peter Pan och Dustin Hoffman som den beryktade kapten Krok i HOOK, ett fantastiskt och högtflygande äventyr från Steven Spielbergs magiska värld. De andra...

CDON | 05.01.2025 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

The screenplay, written by Dubliner Jimmy Smallhorne, says his inspiration for the film came from his Mam and all other women who were the best multitaskers: “my mother had eight kids herself...

CDON | 05.01.2025 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle