Monty Pythonin Elämän tarkoitus (the Meaning of Life) - 2DVDKomedia (1983)ohjaus Terry Gilliam ja Terry Jones Kuusi hävyttömän hullua Pythonia on taas täällä! John Cleese, Graham Chapman,...
Tori | 13.03.2023 | Helsinki Ilmianna ylläpidolleBrian föds samma år som Jesus i en liten hydda utanför Betlehem. En dag, när han tar sin vanliga morgonpromenad, förväxlas han med den jämnåriga Messias och hans liv blir en enda härva...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleKuusi mekastavaa, hullua Pythonia kaikkien aikojen tärähtäneimmässä seikkailussaan! John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Terry Jones, Erik Idle, Terry Gilliam ja Michael Palin ovat palanneet selittämään...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleMonty python holy grail ja life of brian dvdPostit ostajalle
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CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleLimited edition.The Meaning of Life 2*DVD.Naarmuttomat levyt, kannet ja paprut erinomaiset. Tekstitys mm. Suomi ja ruotsi. Komedia v. 1983.Ekstroja.Ohjaus Terry Gilliam ja Terry Jones.Kuusi hävyttömän...
Tori | 29.03.2023 | Tampere Ilmianna ylläpidolleMonty Pythons Life of Brian sekä Terry Gilliamin ohjaama Paroni Von Munchausenin seikkailut-elokuvat VHS-Formaatissa.Löytyy lisää kasetteja kiinnostuneille, osta useampi ja säästä postikuluissa....
Tori | 25.11.2023 | Sipoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleMonty Pythons Life of Brian [DVD] [1979] DVD Title:Monty Pythons Life Of Brian (Immaculate Edition) DVD 2007Region Code:2Discs:2Format:DVD, SubtitledRating:Suitable for 15 years and overLanguages:English,LatinSubtitles:Arabic,Danish,Finnish,Hindi,Italian,Norwegian,Portuguese,Swedish,English,Released:2007-11-05Theatre...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleMonty Python - The Movies DVD (2004) John Cleese, McNaughton (DIR) cert 15 4Title:Monty Python - The MoviesLeading Actor:John CleeseRegion:Region 2Duration:354 minsFormat:DVD / Box SetType:DVDNo....
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleMonty Python: Live At The Hollywood Bowl DVD (2007) Terry Hughes cert 15Title:Monty Python: Live At The Hollywood BowlLeading Actor:Terry HughesDuration:78 minsFormat:DVD / NormalType:DVDStudio...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleKaikki hyvä päättyy aikanaan. Ja niin kävi myös Monty Pythonin lentävälle sirkukselle, kaikkien aikojen pöyristyttävän sopimattomimmalle ja häkellyttävän hulluimmalle komedialle....
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleAbdullah Öcalan: Liberating LifeAlaotsikko: Womans RevolutionISBN: 9783941012820Kustantaja: International Initiative EditionKieli: EnglantiPainovuosi: 2020, 3. uudistettu painosSivumäärä:...
Tori | 21.01.2024 | Joensuu Ilmianna ylläpidolle1492 - Conquest of Paradise/Grey Owl/Flight of the Phoenix DVD (2007) PierceTitle:1492 - Conquest of Paradise/Grey Owl/Flight of the PhoenixLeading Actor:Pierce BrosnanRegion:Region 2Duration:374...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleMediaTronixs The Snows Of Kilimanjaro DVD (2007) Gregory Peck, King (DIR) Cert PG Pre-Owned Region 2
The Snows of Kilimanjaro DVD (2007) Gregory Peck, King (DIR) cert PG Title:The Snows of KilimanjaroLeading Actor:Gregory PeckRegion:Region 2Duration:109 minsFormat:DVD / NormalType:DVDNo. of...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleSchoolboy Kevin is rescued from his dull suburban life when a gang of dwarves emerge from his wardrobe and carry him off through space and time. Their travels bring them into contact with some...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleNot the Messiah (He's a Very Naughty Boy) DVD (2010) Eric Idle cert 12Title:Not the Messiah (He's a Very Naughty Boy)Leading Actor:Eric IdleRegion:Region 2Duration:91 minsFormat:DVD / NormalType:DVDNo....
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleGianmaria Polidoro: Francis of AssisiKääntäjä: Benet A. FonkISBN: 9788827003701Kustantaja: PorziuncolaKieli: EnglantiPainovuosi: 2008, 3. painosSivumäärä: 256.Sidonta: Nidottu, pehmeäkantinen.Kunto:...
Tori | 03.02.2024 | Joensuu Ilmianna ylläpidolleAnime feature written and directed by Hiroyuki Okiura. Following the death of her father (voice of Kirk Thornton), 11-year-old Momo (Amanda Pace) moves with her mother (Stephanie Sheh) to the...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleBiographical musical drama starring Hugh Jackman as American showman P.T. Barnum. After being dismissed from his place of work due to the company's bankruptcy, Barnum struggles to make ends meet...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleLisätiedot MyydäänDC, 2014Pride Of Baghdad The Deluxe Edition, kovakantinen, 168 sivuaBrian K. Vaughan, Niko HenrichonThe startlingly original look at life on the streets of Baghdad during...
Tori | 29.05.2022 | Heinola Ilmianna ylläpidolleComedy sequel directed by John Landis and starring Dan Aykroyd and John Goodman. Elwood (Aykroyd) emerges from a long stretch in prison to find the world has changed: his partner Jake has gone,...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleEvery week, the well-meaning amateurs of the Cornley Dramatic Society perform a half-hour play - live! - on BBC One: a horror story, a wartime drama, a legal thriller, a period romance, a deep...
CDON | 02.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleSuositut haut
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3x Monty Python DVD
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Tori | 21.02.2018 | HelsinkiDvd 19 kpl
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Tori | 03.02.2018 | HelsinkiElokuvia ja TV-sarjoja Blu-raylla
Elokuvat (3 euroa kpl):A good day to die hardBiutifulE.T.EscapeEverestHierroKotirauhaKulman pojatLooking for EricMiehet jotka vihaavat naisiaMiss Farkku-SuomiMissä kuljimme kerranPans LabyrinthThe Dark KnightTyttö joka leikki tulellaVicky Christina Barcelona300 - Rise of an Empire 3DBatman vs Superman - Dawn of Justice 3DDredd 3D (ei suomenkielistä tekstitystä)Gatsby 3DIce Age 4 3D In The Heart of the Sea 3DJack the Giant Slayer 3DJurassic Park 3D Man of Steel 3DPacific Rim 3DX-Men - Apocalypse 3DTV-sarjat (6 euroa kpl):True Detective - kausi 1 Vikings - kausi 1Firefly (ei suomenkielistä tekstitystä)Elokuvaboksit (8 euroa kpl):- Ghostbuster 1 ja 2- Kaamea kankkunen 1-3- Tappava ase 1-4- Rambo 1-3- Men in Black 1-3- Jack Ryan kokoelma (Näkymätön vihollinen, Punaisen lokakuun metsästys, Isku Kolumbiaan)- The Punisher Collection - The Dark Knight -trilogia (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises)- Monty Pythons Holy Trinity (Holy Grail, Life of Brian ja The Meaning of Life)Elokuvaboksit (12 euroa kpl):- Quentin Tarantino collection (Reservoir dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill 1 ja 2, Death Proof ja Inglourious Bastards)- X-Men Adamantium collection (X-men, X-men 2, X-men The Last Stand, X-men origins: Wolverine, X-men: First Class, The Wolverine)Muut (4 euroa kpl):Metallica - Through the NeverFlying Monsters 3D (dokumentti lentoliskoista, ei suomenkielistä tekstitystä)
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Monty pythonin hullu maailma 3 e Pirates of the caribbean mustan helmen kirous 4 e Pirates of the caribbean kuolleen miehen kirstu 4 e Yhteishintaan 6 e Zombieland 3 e Harry Potterit: 4 e kpl tai kaikki 3 leffaa 10 e Salaisuuksien kammio, Azkabanin vanki, Liekehtivä pikari
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Pieni suklaapuoti- Mamma mia! - Casablanca (MYYTY)- Avatar- Tuulen viemää- Flash forward- P.S. i love you- Sweet november- Holiday- Fantastic 4- Somethings gotta give- Paul- Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo (MYYTY)- Kate & Leopold- Saturday Night Fever- Myrskyn ratsastajat- Vanhemmat vaihtoon- Ihmeellinen elämä (MYYTY)- Missä kuljimme kerran- Kaunotar ja hirviö- Avengers- Sponge bob squarepants movie- 28 päivää myöhemmin- Forrest gump- Amelie- Juno- Monty python holy grail- Sideways & flight of the phoenix- Pulp fictionNouto tai postitus
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Myynnissä DVD-elokuvat:3002 Fast 2 FuriousAirheads (Sekopäät)Aliens: Special Edition (ruotsalainen kansi, mutta mukana suomitekstit)Bad BoysBad Boys 2Batman BeginsBatman Returns (pahvikannet)BladeBlade IIBlade TrinityBraveheartConan The Destroyer (Conan Hävittäjä)Dexter: Kausi 1Dexter: Kausi 2Dexter: Kausi 3Die Hard: Vain kuolleen ruumiini yliDie Hard 2Die Hard 3: Die Hard With A VengeanceDie Hard 4.0El Mariachi / DesperadoEurotripFinding Nemo (Nemoa etsimässä)From HellGet Carter (2000)Ghostbusters 1 & 2Gone In 60 Seconds (2000)Heat: AjojahtiHot FuzzIce AgeInterview With The Vampire (Veren vangit)Lock, Stock & Two Smoking BarrelsLucky Number SlevinMiss CongenialityMonsters, Inc. (Monsterit Oy)Monty Python And The Holy Grail (Special 2-disc Edition)Ninth GateOceans ElevenOceans TwelveOceans ThirteenOnce Upon A Time In MexicoPirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black PearlPirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Mans ChestPirates Of The Caribbean: At Worlds EndRambo (2008)Resident EvilRoninSami Hedberg - Total ComedySami Hedberg: KokovartalomiesScarfaceSecret WindowShaun Of The DeadSin CitySons Of Anarchy: Kausi 3SpaceballsStargate: TähtiporttiStarship Troopers (Special Edition)SWATSweeney ToddTaxiTaxi 3The Big Red One (Voittamaton Ykkönen)The Butterfly EffectThe Dark Knight: Yön ritariThe DepartedThe Dukes of HazzardThe Fast And The FuriousThe Fifth ElementThe GladiatorThe Hitchhikers Guide To The GalaxyThe Hunt For Red OctoberThe Italian JobThe Last Boy ScoutThe MachinistThe PrestigeTremors 3: Väristyksiä 3Under Siege (Kaappaus merellä)Under Siege 2Underworld (Varjojen valtakunta)Underworld: EvolutionV For VendettaVan HelsingWallace & Gromit: Curse Of The Were-RabbitKaikki dvd:t hinnaltaan 4e/kpl. Postikulut 1-2 levyä kirjeenä 3e, 3-10 levyä pakettina/pakettiautomaatilla 6e ja siitä eteenpäin postin hinnaston mukaan.
Tori | 18.10.2017 | OuluBill Browder: Red Notice
Bill Browder: Red NoticeAlaotsikko: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Mans Fight for JusticeISBN: 9781476755748Kustantaja: Simon & SchusterKieli: EnglantiPainovuosi: 2015Sivumäärä: 397Sidonta: Nidottu, pehmeäkantinenKunto: HyväThis is a story about an accidental activist. Bill Browder started out his adult life as the Wall Street maverick whose instincts led him to Russia just after the breakup of the Soviet Union, where he made his fortune.Along the way he exposed corruption, and when he did, he barely escaped with his life. His Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky wasnt so lucky: he ended up in jail, where he was tortured to death. That changed Browder forever. He saw the murderous heart of the Putin regime and has spent the last half decade on a campaign to expose it. Because of that, he became Putins number one enemy, especially after Browder succeeded in having a law passed in the United States--The Magnitsky Act--that punishes a list of Russians implicated in the lawyers murder. Putin famously retaliated with a law that bans Americans from adopting Russian orphans.A financial caper, a crime thriller, and a political crusade, Red Notice is the story of one man taking on overpowering odds to change the world, and also the story of how, without intending to, he found meaning in his life.Asiasanat: venäjä, putin, korruptio, rikos, murha, oikeus, talous, sijoitus, finanssi, neuvostoliitto, oligarkki
Tori | 22.02.2018 | JoensuuRobert Bly: Iron John
Robert Bly: Iron John - A Book About MenISBN: 0-679-73119-9Kustantaja: Vintage BooksKieli: EnglantiPainovuosi: 1992Sivumäärä: 273Sidonta: Nidottu, pehmeäkantinenKunto: Hyvä (takakannen sisäpuolella muistiinpanoja lyijykynällä)In this timeless and deeply learned classic, poet and translator Robert Bly offers nothing less than a new vision of what it means to be a man. Blys vision is based on his ongoing work with men, as well as on reflections on his own life. He addresses the devastating effects of remote fathers and mourns the disappearance of male initiation rites in our culture. Finding rich meaning in ancient stories and legends, Bly uses the Grimm fairy tale Iron John,in which a mentor or Wild Man guides a young man through eight stages of male growth,to remind us of ways of knowing long forgotten, images of deep and vigorous masculinity centreed in feeling and protective of the young. At once down-to-earth and elevated, combining the grandeur of myth with the practical and often painful lessons of our own histories, Iron John is an astonishing work that will continue to guide and inspire men,and women,for years to come.
Tori | 29.12.2017 | Joensuu50 LG 50PC1D HD Ready Digital Freeview Plasma TV
With its 50 screen the LG 50PC1D is quick to make its presence felt. Yet its not just the size of screen that impresses here, but the quality too. The 50PC1D offers a stunning picture quality. Superior brightness figures provide the 50PC1D with a vivid yet life-like picture quality. Thanks to LGs new, Double Window system, you can also enjoy two separate pictures side by side. Making the most of this great screen are twin TV tuners. The combination of analogue and digital tuners ensures that, wherever you live, youll be able to pick up terrestrial TV. If youre in a digital area, then the built-in Freeview tuner will mean you can enjoy a wide range of digital stations without the need for a separate set-top box. As youd expect from such a high-tech TV, every type of connection you could wish for is provided. Twin HDMI sockets allow for the connection of HD TV and an upsampling DVD player. Meanwhile, three SCART sockets, component and S-Video ensure analogue connections are well taken care of. A further benefit of the digital tuner is the fitment of an optical digital output - meaning that the output can be sent digitally straight to a DVD-Recorder or Dolby Digital AV receiver.
Tori | 07.02.2018 | Helsinki