Play with all your favourite teams in Handball 16, THE first handball simulation! A NEW WAY TO PLAY Discover a realistic game system, using a new physics and rendering engine, and enjoy fully...

Vpd | 22.02.2025 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

In Deponia, the world has degenerated into a vast garbage dump, in which the crotchety Rufus ekes out his sorry existence. He is part of the lowest social class, doomed to live his life in literal...

Vpd | 22.02.2025 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle

Winnipeg Jetsissä pelaava Patrik Laine on valittu EA Sportsin NHL 19 -pelin kansikuvapelaajaksi Suomessa. Kun tilaat pelin meiltä, saat pelin Patrik Laine -kannella! ”ÄNÄRIN...

Vpd | 22.02.2025 |    Ilmianna ylläpidolle