Nostokölillä ja alaslaskettavalla mastolla vaikka sisävesille .vene otettu käyttöön 2013 veneessä huippu varusteet autopilotto webasto diesel kone ym ym,,,,, vene nähtävänä huollettuna...
Nettivene | 21.05.2022 | Espoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleLoistavalla varustuksella oleva KIPPURI valmiina ensi kesän ORCi MM kilpailuihin Kielissä. Vene vuodelta 2008 ja runkonumero on #49. Veneessä on täydellinen kilpavarustus sekä täydellinen...
Nettivene | 15.09.2022 | Ruotsi Ilmianna ylläpidolleHyvässä kunnossa ja ylläpidetty pääasiassa matkapurjehduskäytössä ollut yksilö, joka kuitenkin myös osoittanut kilpailukykyisyytensä kisaradoilla. Lähettävä ja vastaanottava AIS....
Nettivene | 01.09.2022 | Helsinki Ilmianna ylläpidolleLisätietoja veneestä löytyy Båtagentin kotisivuilta ja tästä linkistä, Vastaavana välittäjänä Robert Renlund puh: 040 3100 066 / [email protected]
Nettivene | 25.08.2022 | Parainen Ilmianna ylläpidolleNyt olisi tarjolla legendaarinen aikanaan luokkakisoissa pärjännyt kisaratsu s/y Sunny Love. Vene on ollut nykyisen omistajan käytössä kesästä 2009 lähtien ja sillä on kisattu sen viimeiset...
Nettivene | 14.08.2022 | Helsinki Ilmianna ylläpidollePurjevene varustettuna nostokölillä ja nostoperäsimellä. Pystytään kuljettamaan rekka-auton lavalla. Huippuvarusteltu. Asialliset tiedustelut sähköpostiin: [email protected].
Nettivene | 11.08.2022 | Kotka Ilmianna ylläpidolleTraileri on sovitettu tähän veneeseen. Pohja on EPOXI käsitelty hyvin 4 maalauskerralla. Pohja oikein hyvässä kunnossa. Ehjä kolhimaton lyijy köli. Purjeet, patjat, porta-potta, uimaporras y.m.
Nettivene | 16.06.2022 | Inkoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleTakit ja päällysvaatteet, koko: S, naisten X-Yachts tummansininen kuoritakki, koko S. Malliltaan unisex. Vetoketjutaskut, lisäksi kaksi povitaskua. Verkkovuori, tarrallinen kiristys hihan...
Tori | 17.02.2024 | Ylöjärvi Ilmianna ylläpidolleKäytetty Nordic Mast X-Yachts X-79:lle. Ollut poikki mutta korjattu. Spreaderit löytyy mut ei vantteja. Pituus 12,3 m.
FindIt | 28.08.2023 | Pietarsaari Ilmianna ylläpidolleVankka, hyvin purjehtiva perhevene. Suunn. Hans Groop, valmistaja Fiskars Turun Veneveistämö, myyjä Siltala Yachts Oy. Säännöllisesti huollettu, hyvät varusteet. 2.:lla omistajalla 35 v.
Nettivene | 29.07.2022 | Turku Ilmianna ylläpidolleArcona 430 on fantastinen yhdistelmä High Performance Cruiseria ja perhevenettä jopa pidempiin matkoihin. Erittäin kaunis, hyvin varustettu ja korkeatasoinen vene, jonka on rakentanut tunnettu...
Nettivene | 31.08.2022 | Helsinki Ilmianna ylläpidolleTämä on aito klassinen purjevene, jolla on ihanat purjehdusominaisuudet kaikissa keleissä. Valmistaja on tunnettu suomalainen Finngulf Yachts veistämö ja sen suunnittelija on arvostettu...
Nettivene | 14.06.2022 | Espoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleNauticat Yachts Oy:n konkurssipesä myy puolivalmiin Nauticat 515 veneen runkonumerolla 29 (noin 25 % valmis). Runko ja kansi on liitetty yhteen. Päälaipiot ovat paikoillaan. Veneen säiliöt,...
Nettivene | 13.09.2022 | Pöytyä Ilmianna ylläpidolleTässä vene tosipurjehtijalle tai vaikkapa kimppaveneeksi. Grand Soleil on tunnettu korkeasta laadusta, ajattomasta designista ja erinomaisista purjehdusominaisuuksista. Veneessä on galvanoitu...
Nettivene | 01.09.2022 | Espoo Ilmianna ylläpidolleMyydään Hallberg-Rassy P-28 mahonki- ja mäntyvene, vuosi 1963. Kaunis projekti, josta valitettavasti joudun luopumaan...
Tori | 05.03.2024 | Helsinki Ilmianna ylläpidolleSuositut haut
Vastaavia tuotteita on aiemmin myyty näillä hinnoilla
X-Yachts X-342
-kylkien myllytys -12 -uusi pa-säiliö happosesta n.60l -13 -pa-linjat uusittu samalla -pohjan kunnostus gelcoattiin saakka -14 -peräsimen laakerointi, Jefa -17
Nettivene | 20.02.2018 | SaloSweden Yachts 34
Tämä on tilaisuus hankkia hyvin varusteltu Sweden Yachts 34 edulliseen hintaan! Varusteita mm. - Raymarine tuulimittari ja kaikuluotain, 2012 - Raymarine ruoripilotti, 2017
Nettivene | 09.02.2018 | HelsinkiX-Yachts X-40
Erittäin vähän purjehdittu X-Yachts vene nyt kaupan. Maileja on vain noin 1600nM Vene on aina säilytety hallissa.Veneen varustus on erittäin hyvä kaikki elektroniikka on Raymarine myös tutka. Iso Mastervolt invertteri 2000W.TV salongissa. jneVene on nyt talvitelakoituna Hangossa Hanko Boat Yard hallissaSuomen Suurin purjevenenäyttely Hangossa 25-26.11 Tule tutustumaan tähän sekä 6 muuhun veneeseen silloin
Nettivene | 30.10.2017 | HankoKeizer Yachts 42
Uusi KEIZER YACHTS 42 Runabout mallissa yhdistyy kaunis ulkomuoto ja tilavat ulko- ja sisätilat. Erityisesti sisätilat ovat huomattavasti tilavemmat, kuin muissa tämän tyyppisissä veneissä yleisesti ottaen ja näin ollen malli soveltuu erinomaisesti myös matkailuun ja yöpymiseen.
Nettivene | 31.03.2017 | TurkuMaestro 38 Ocean
Suomalainen laatupursi. Tuplaperäkajuuttaversio. Vene varustettu Atlantin matkoille. Veneellä on purjehdittu ARC-vuonna 1998. Vene ollut nykyisellä omistajalla vuodesta 2001. Vene oli Maestro Yachtsilla peruskunnostuksessa vuonna 2001, jolloin riki ja purjeet uusittu sekä runko maalattu Awlgripillä. Talven 2002-2003 aikana moottori ja vetolaitteisto uusittiin täysin (S-vetolaitteesta akselivetoon) sekä entisen vesikiertolämmityksen tilalle a...
Nettivene | 20.02.2018 | RaisioJunior Software Engineer / Master's Thesis Worker
CADMATIC is a design, engineering and information management software solution for engineer-ing projects in the marine and process plant industries. By combining advanced 3D design and in-telligent digital information modeling with an exceptional user experience we provide the best products in the field. We help our customers to create and operate technologies for the production of energy, materials, food and pharmaceutical products, for transporting people and cargo, keep-ing the world's waterways secure, and for having a good time on luxury yachts and cruise ships. We are looking for a Junior Software Engineer, Master's Thesis Worker or Summer Trainee to join our development teams in Turku or Tampere, Finland. You will work in a Scrum team developing our marine and plant CAD applications. Together with a product owner, the team creates new and maintains existing features. When looking for ways to fulfill user needs, the team strives for efficient technical solutions and good usability. You will par-ticipate in planning, implementation and review independently and together with the team. The products are based on our own technologies which we also keep competitive. We have a modern toolset including Visual Studio, Git and JIRA. We will assign you a tutor to help you get a good start. We expect: You have a passion for development and a suitable degree or are finishing your studies. The job requires programming skills and the ability to learn quickly. Any experience with C or C++ language is considered an advantage. You can be a jack of all trades or have interest areas such as architecture, algorithms, databases, mathematics or user interface development. We offer: - An opportunity to join a team of talented and enthusiastic professionals. - A growing international organization with a relaxed atmosphere. - Low level of bureaucracy - we keep our work agile and get things done. - A stable, profitable company with a long history and a strong market position. - Work with a growing global customer base in a technical field. - Competitive benefits and flexible employment conditions. In the position you have possibility to accomplish diverse tasks in creating software products with rich graphics, innovative user interfaces and unique algorithms. As your experience grows, you can become an expert in a specific application or technology area. The software development teams have a strategic role in the company, and there is a long term commitment to the products. More information: For more information, please contact Teemu Valtonen [email protected], +358 40 5324094. Please apply online on The deadline for applications is December 31st, 2017. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please attach your CV, motivation letter and transcript of records. It will also help us if you can share any coding samples.
Duunitori | 24.11.2017 | TampereSoftware Engineer / CAD Development
CADMATIC is a design, engineering and information management software solution for engineering projects in the marine and process plant industries. By combining advanced 3D design and intelli-gent digital information modeling with an exceptional user experience we provide the best products in the field. We help our customers to create and operate technologies for the production of energy, materials, food and pharmaceutical products, for transporting people and cargo, keeping the world's waterways secure, and for having a good time on luxury yachts and cruise ships. (Senior) Software Engineer (C/C++), CAD Development (Turku or Tampere, Finland) We are looking for Software Engineers and Senior Software Engineers to join our development teams in Turku or Tampere, Finland. You will work in a Scrum team developing our marine and plant CAD applications. Together with a product owner, the team creates new and maintains existing features. When looking for ways to fulfill user needs, the team strives for efficient technical solutions and good usability. You will partic-ipate in planning, implementation and review independently and together with the team. The products are based on our own technologies which we also keep competitive. We have a mod-ern toolset including Visual Studio, Git and JIRA. We will assign you a tutor to help you get a good start. We expect: You have a passion for development and a suitable degree. The job requires strong C/C++ pro-gramming skills and an ability to work with large codebases, both reading and writing code. You can be a jack of all trades or have interest areas such as architecture, algorithms, databases, mathe-matics or user interface development. We offer: - An opportunity to join a team of talented and enthusiastic professionals. - A growing international organization with a relaxed atmosphere. - Low level of bureaucracy - we keep our work agile and get things done. - A stable, profitable company with a long history and a strong market position. - Work with a growing global customer base in a technical field. - Competitive benefits and flexible employment conditions. In the position you have possibility to accomplish diverse tasks in creating software products with rich graphics, innovative user interfaces and unique algorithms. As your experience grows, you can become an expert in a specific application or technology area. The software development teams have a strategic role in the company, and there is a long term commitment to the products. More information: For more information, please contact Teemu Valtonen [email protected], +358 40 5324094. Please apply online on The deadline for applications is December 31st, 2017. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please attach your CV and motivation letter.
Duunitori | 24.11.2017 | TurkuJunior Software Engineer / Master's Thesis Worker
CADMATIC is a design, engineering and information management software solution for engineer-ing projects in the marine and process plant industries. By combining advanced 3D design and in-telligent digital information modeling with an exceptional user experience we provide the best products in the field. We help our customers to create and operate technologies for the production of energy, materials, food and pharmaceutical products, for transporting people and cargo, keep-ing the world's waterways secure, and for having a good time on luxury yachts and cruise ships. We are looking for a Junior Software Engineer, Master's Thesis Worker or Summer Trainee to join our development teams in Turku or Tampere, Finland. You will work in a Scrum team developing our marine and plant CAD applications. Together with a product owner, the team creates new and maintains existing features. When looking for ways to fulfill user needs, the team strives for efficient technical solutions and good usability. You will par-ticipate in planning, implementation and review independently and together with the team. The products are based on our own technologies which we also keep competitive. We have a modern toolset including Visual Studio, Git and JIRA. We will assign you a tutor to help you get a good start. We expect: You have a passion for development and a suitable degree or are finishing your studies. The job requires programming skills and the ability to learn quickly. Any experience with C or C++ language is considered an advantage. You can be a jack of all trades or have interest areas such as architecture, algorithms, databases, mathematics or user interface development. We offer: - An opportunity to join a team of talented and enthusiastic professionals. - A growing international organization with a relaxed atmosphere. - Low level of bureaucracy - we keep our work agile and get things done. - A stable, profitable company with a long history and a strong market position. - Work with a growing global customer base in a technical field. - Competitive benefits and flexible employment conditions. In the position you have possibility to accomplish diverse tasks in creating software products with rich graphics, innovative user interfaces and unique algorithms. As your experience grows, you can become an expert in a specific application or technology area. The software development teams have a strategic role in the company, and there is a long term commitment to the products. More information: For more information, please contact Teemu Valtonen [email protected], +358 40 5324094. Please apply online on The deadline for applications is December 31st, 2017. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please attach your CV, motivation letter and transcript of records. It will also help us if you can share any coding samples.
Duunitori | 24.11.2017 | TurkuSoftware Engineer / CAD Development
CADMATIC is a design, engineering and information management software solution for engineering projects in the marine and process plant industries. By combining advanced 3D design and intelli-gent digital information modeling with an exceptional user experience we provide the best products in the field. We help our customers to create and operate technologies for the production of energy, materials, food and pharmaceutical products, for transporting people and cargo, keeping the world's waterways secure, and for having a good time on luxury yachts and cruise ships. (Senior) Software Engineer (C/C++), CAD Development (Turku or Tampere, Finland) We are looking for Software Engineers and Senior Software Engineers to join our development teams in Turku or Tampere, Finland. You will work in a Scrum team developing our marine and plant CAD applications. Together with a product owner, the team creates new and maintains existing features. When looking for ways to fulfill user needs, the team strives for efficient technical solutions and good usability. You will partic-ipate in planning, implementation and review independently and together with the team. The products are based on our own technologies which we also keep competitive. We have a mod-ern toolset including Visual Studio, Git and JIRA. We will assign you a tutor to help you get a good start. We expect: You have a passion for development and a suitable degree. The job requires strong C/C++ pro-gramming skills and an ability to work with large codebases, both reading and writing code. You can be a jack of all trades or have interest areas such as architecture, algorithms, databases, mathe-matics or user interface development. We offer: - An opportunity to join a team of talented and enthusiastic professionals. - A growing international organization with a relaxed atmosphere. - Low level of bureaucracy - we keep our work agile and get things done. - A stable, profitable company with a long history and a strong market position. - Work with a growing global customer base in a technical field. - Competitive benefits and flexible employment conditions. In the position you have possibility to accomplish diverse tasks in creating software products with rich graphics, innovative user interfaces and unique algorithms. As your experience grows, you can become an expert in a specific application or technology area. The software development teams have a strategic role in the company, and there is a long term commitment to the products. More information: For more information, please contact Teemu Valtonen [email protected], +358 40 5324094. Please apply online on The deadline for applications is December 31st, 2017. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please attach your CV and motivation letter.
Duunitori | 24.11.2017 | Tampere