The complete first series of the stop-motion animated show following the lovable penguin. In this series, Pingu's little sister, Pinga, is born and Pingu hangs out with his friend, Robby the seal. Episodes are: 'Pingu Is Introduced', 'Pingu Helps With Incubating', 'Pinga Is Born', 'Pingu Goes Fishing', 'Pingu Helps to Deliver the Mail', 'Pingu Is Jealous', 'Pingu and the Snowball Fight', 'Pinga Is Left Out', 'Pingu Plays Fish Tennis', 'Pingu and the Avalanche Incident', 'Pingu Plays Ice Hockey', 'Pingu and Pinga Don't Want to Go to Bed', 'Pingu and Makeshift Skis', 'Pingu Runs Away from Home', 'Pingu Builds an Igloo', 'Pingu Has Music Lessons', 'Pingu in the Ice Cave', 'Pingu's Tobogganing', 'Pingu's Lavatory Story', 'Pingu at School', 'Pingu's Grandfather Is Sick', 'Pingu and Pinga Play Circus', 'Pingu and the Organ Grinder', 'Pingu and His Friends Play Too Loudly', 'Pingu's Parents Go to a Concert' and 'Pingu Dreams'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.


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