A four-volume set of children's animated features. 'Anastasia' (1997) retells the story of the Russian peasant girl who finds out that she is actually the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. After the revolution in 1917, Anastasia (voice of Meg Ryan) is spirited away from the Bolshevik executions of her family, and taken in by a family in Siberia, soon setting out to reclaim her royal legacy. In 'Bartok the Magnificent' (1999) Bartok (Hank Azaria), the boastful sidekick from 'Anastasia', returns for his own musical adventure. It is up to Bartok and his chum Zozi (Kelsey Grammer) to rescue the kidnapped Prince Ivan (Phillip Van Dyke) from evil Baba Yaga (Andrea Martin) - but can they act before Royal Regent Ludmilla (Catherine O'Hara) seizes the throne? In 'Ferngully' (1992) a young fairy named Crysta (Samantha Mathis) finds her rainforest under threat from the evil spirit Hexxus (Tim Curry). When a giant machine begins clearing the forest, Crysta shrinks a young lumberjack named Zak (Jonathan Ward) down to her tiny proportions, thinking him to be in danger from the tree-eating monster. Finally, in the sequel 'Ferngully 2' (1997), two kind-hearted humans join forces with fairies Pips (Digory Oaks) and Crysta (Laura Erlich), the Beetle Boys and a mad bat called Batty (Matt K. Miller) to stop the kidnapping of the rainforest's animals by ruthless poachers. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.
