DiscTrackTitleDurationDisc 11One Step BeyondDisc 12Forever YoungDisc 13My GirlDisc 14Baggy TrousersDisc 15House of FunDisc 16Grey DayDisc 17Tarzan's NutsDisc 18Don't Quote Me On ThatDisc 19Take It Or Leave ItDisc 110Victoria GardensDisc 111The PrinceDisc 112Day On the TownDisc 113Dust DevilDisc 114In the RainDisc 115Not Home TodayDisc 116ProspectsDisc 117In the CityDisc 118MadnessDisc 119MistakesDisc 120The CommunicatorDisc 121Swan LakeDisc 122Night Boat to CairoDisc 123VietnamDisc 124In the Hall of the Mountain King
