All 24 episodes from the second season of the spin-off animated series based on the manga by Kazuma Kamachi. Mikoto Misaka (voice of Rina Satou) and her friends investigate a new mystery in Academy City involving the murder of thousands of espers. They are no ordinary espers however, each and every one is a clone of Mikoto.In taking responsibility for them and seeking answers with her friends, Mikoto puts herself in the sights of espers more powerful than she ever imagined. The episodes are:RailgunCriticalProject Radio NoiseSistersProject Level 6 ShiftI... Can See All of YouI...I Want to Be of Help to You, SissyITEMAIM StalkerMeltdownerThe Vending MachineTree DiagramAcceleratorThe PromiseT?ma Kamij?SisterhoodStudy GroupMovingAcademic Research AssemblyFebriDarknessSTUDYDawn of a Revolution (Silent Party)Eternal Party
