Second season of the anime spin-off and sequel to the original 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' anime, containing episodes 53-104. Set a generation into the future, the series revolves around a boy named Jaden Yuki (voice of Matthew Charles) as he begins his life at the new Duel Academy on a stretch of remote coastline in Japan, established so that students can train to become master duelists. Despite his natural gift for duelling, Jaden is initially put into the lowest rank of Osiris Red, but he continues to test his skills against the students and faculty to prove his worth as a Yousei Duelist and earn the respect of everyone around him. The episodes are: The Beginning of Destiny! A New Student Edo PhoenixThunder Vs Elite! Mecha Ojama King Takes OffEnter Tyranno Kenzan!Sho Vs Insect Girl! Insect PrincessKaiser Vs Ed! Pro League BattleVs Ed: Part 1 - E-Hero Vs E-HeroVs Ed: Part 2 - D-Hero of DestinyAsuka Vs Fubuki! The Path to Sibling IdolSaiou Enters! The Tarot Deck of DestinyNew Elemental Hero! NeosKenzan Vs Demon of the Curry! Spicy DuelSho Vs Kenzan! A Duel With Passionate Thoughts Toward Big BrotherHell Kaiser Ryo! Chimeratech OverdragonJudais New Year Dream Duel!Vs Ed: Part 1 - New Power! Aqua NeosVs Ed: Part 2 - Flaming Flare NeosCronos Vs Napoleon! March of Toy SoldiersAsuka Vs Manjoume - White Thunder!Vs Game Champ! Giant Battleship Tetran Takes OffDestroy Deck DestructionKenzan Vs Saiou! Dinosaur DNARevival Frog! Living Frog! Death Frog!Field Trip Tag DuelUltimate Alliance! Rex UnionThe Four Monarchs of Terror! Demiourgos EMAThe Strongest Tag!? Judai and Edo: Part 1The Strongest Tag!? Judai and Edo: Part 2Alice in DespairlandQuiz Duel!? Vs Nazora Panel 9Misawa Vs Manjoume - Assault Cannon BeetleHell Kaiser Ryo Vs Master SamejimaGenex Opens! Aim to Be Number One!The Man Who Controls the God Card Winged God-Dragon of RaThe Duels Stage PassagewayDo Your Best! Ojama Trio: Part 1Do Your Best! Ojama Trio: Part 2Hell Kaiser Vs Darkness FubukiAcademias PrideThe Reaper of One Turn KillTriangle DuelThe White Night Duel! Judai Vs Asuka: Part 1White Nights Dragon! Judai Vs Asuka: Part 2The Codeless Duel Between Brothers - Ryo Vs ShoThe Field of Relativity! Judai Vs The Genius DoctorEnters! The Mysterious World Champ!Finally Activated! The Ultimate D-CardJudai Vs The Terror of the Laser SatelliteUltimate ArcanaThe WorldEd, The Finishing Blow! 'Bloo-D'The Wave of Light Vs The Neo-SpaciansJudais Pinch! Field MagicLight BarrierThe Whereabouts of Victory?! Judai Vs Saiou. The Beginning of Destiny! A New Student Edo PhoenixThunder Vs Elite! Mecha Ojama King Takes OffEnter Tyranno Kenzan!Sho Vs Insect Girl! Insect PrincessKaiser Vs Ed! Pro League BattleVs Ed: Part 1 - E-Hero Vs E-HeroVs Ed: Part 2 - D-Hero of DestinyAsuka Vs Fubuki! The Path to Sibling IdolSaiou Enters! The Tarot Deck of DestinyNew Elemental Hero! NeosKenzan Vs Demon of the Curry! Spicy DuelSho Vs Kenzan! A Duel With Passionate Thoughts Toward Big BrotherHell Kaiser Ryo! Chimeratech OverdragonJudais New Year...
