All 26 episodes of the Japanese sci-fi anime series set in a future where, following a hyperspace gateway explosion that rendered the Earth almost uninhabitable, the majority of the human race live on Mars. With the government and police under the control of powerful organised crime syndicates, it is down to five bounty hunters known as 'cowboys' to maintain law and order. The episodes are:Asteroid BluesStray Dog StrutHonky Tonk Women Gateway ShuffleBallad of Fallen AngelsSympathy for the DevilHeavy Metal QueenWaltz for VenusJamming With EdwardGanymede ElegyToys in the AtticJupiter Jazz: Part 1Jupiter Jazz: Part 2Bohemian RhapsodyMy Funny ValentineBlack Dog SerenadeMushroom SambaSpeak Like a ChildWild HorsesPierrot le FouBoogie Woogie Feng ShuiCowboy FunkBrain ScratchHard Luck WomanThe Real Folk Blues: Part 1The Real Folk Blues: Part 2
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää
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