All 25 episodes of the anime adaptation of Kentarou Miura's manga, directed by Naohito Takahashi. Aptly named, Guts (voice of Nobutoshi Canna) was birthed from the corpse of his mother and finds the battlefield to be his only means of survival. He happens upon the Band of the Hawk and joins their ranks, helping the mercenary band to great successes.But Guts begins to question his leader's lust for power and what his own path ought to be through this harsh world. The episodes are:The Black SwordsmanBand of the HawkFirst BattleThe Hand of GodA Wind of SwordsZodd the ImmortalThe Swords OwnerConspiracyAssassinationNoble ManThe BattleTogetherPrepared for DeathBonfire of DreamsThe Decisive BattleThe ConquerorMoment of GloryTombstone of FlamesSeparationSparksConfessionInfiltrationEve of the FeastThe Great Eclipse andTime of Eternity
