All ten episodes from the first season of the drama reimagining the American sitcom 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'. Starring Jabari Banks as Will Smith, the series follows the teenager's journey from the rough streets of West Philadelphia to the lavish mansions of Bel-Air, Los Angeles where he goes to stay with his Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv (Adrian Holmes and Cassandra Freeman). With the help of his cousins Carlton (Olly Sholotan), Hilary (Coco Jones) and Ashley (Akira Akbar), along with their housekeeper Geoffrey (Jimmy Akingbola), Will tries to settle in to a very different way of life. The episodes are: 'Dreams and Nightmares', 'Keep Ya Head Up', 'Yamacraw', 'Canvass', 'PA to LA', 'The Strength to Smile', 'Payback's a B*tch', 'No One Wins When the Family Feuds', 'Can't Knock the Hustle' and 'Where To?'.
