All 13 episodes from the second season of the Japanese anime that follows inconspicuous schoolboy Shigeo Kageyama (voice of Setsuo Ito), nicknamed Mob, who has formidable psychic powers and suppresses his emotions in order to inhibit the potential danger of his skills. The episodes are: 'Ripped Apart - Someone Is Watching', 'Urban Legends - Encountering Rumors', 'One Danger After Another - Degeneration', 'Inside - Evil Spirit', 'Discord - Choices', 'Poor, Lonely, Whitey', 'Cornered - True Identity', 'Even Then - Continue Forward', 'Show Me What You've Got - Band Together', 'Collision - Power Type', 'Guidance - Psychic Sensor', 'The Battle for Social Rehabilitation - Friendship' and 'Boss Fight - The Final Light'.
