Another 12 episodes from the first season of the Japanese anime about office worker Satoru Mikami (voice of Takuma Terashima) whose uneventful life takes a dramatic turn when he is killed on the streets of Tokyo and is reincarnated as a slime known as Rimuru Tempest (Miho Okasaki). In this new guise he inhabits a world with various different creatures and where he befriends a fierce dragon named Veldora (Tomoaki Maeno). Having reduced a town to ashes over 300 years ago the dragon has been sealed away but Rimuru sets out to free Veldora and embarks on an epic journey that surpasses his previous mundane existence as a corporate worker in Tokyo.The episodes are: 'The Great Clash', 'The One Who Devours All', 'The Jura Forest Alliance', 'Demon Lord Milim Attacks', 'The Gathering', 'Evil Creeps Closer', 'Charybdis' 'Yuuki Kagurazaka', 'Shizu-san's Students', 'Conquering the Labyrinth', 'Saved Souls' and 'Black and the Mask'.


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