Directorial debut from Sofia Coppola starring Kathleen Turner, Kirsten Dunst and Josh Hartnett. The story follows a group of teenage boys who develop a fascination with the five Lisbon sisters who are kept behind closed doors by an overprotective mother. Determined to break free from their sheltered lives, the girls find different ways to rebel, but the punishment they receive from their overbearing parents leaves them scarred and in need of a way out.4K RESTORATION COMPLETED ON BEHALF OF CRITERION, approved by director Sofia Coppola and supervised by cinematographer Ed LachmanNEW Soundtrack by Air: Interview with JB Dunckel & Nicolas GodinRevisiting "The Virgin Suicides" (2018)In Conversation with Jeffrey Eugenides(2018)Making "The Virgin Suicides" (1998)Lick the Star short film (1998)Optional English SDH subtitles for the main feature
