The first four seasons of the American sitcom following the lives of four elderly, single women. Dorothy (Beatrice Arthur), Rose (Betty White), Blanche (Rue McClanahan) and Dorothy's mother Sophia (Estelle Getty) live together in Miami, Florida, navigating their way through the ups and downs of life with comical results. Season 1 episodes are: 'The Engagement', 'Guess Who's Coming to the Wedding?', 'Rose the Prude', 'Transplant', 'The Triangle', 'On Golden Girls', 'The Competition', 'Break-in', 'Blanche and the Younger Man', 'The Heart Attack', 'The Return of Dorothy's Ex', 'The Custody Battle', 'A Little Romance', 'That Was No Lady', 'In a Bed of Rose's', 'The Truth Will Out', 'Nice and Easy', 'The Operation', 'Second Motherhood', 'Adult Education', 'Flu Attack', 'Job Hunting', 'Blind Ambitions', 'Big Daddy' and 'The Way We Met'. Season 2 episodes are: 'End of the Curse', 'Ladies of the Evening', 'Take Him, He's Mine', 'It's a Miserable Life', 'Isn't It Romantic?', 'Big Daddy's Little Lady', 'Family Affair', 'Vacation', 'Joust Between Friends', 'Love, Rosie', ''Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas', 'The Sisters', 'The Stan Who Came to Dinner', 'The Actor', 'Before and After', 'And Then There Was One', 'Bedtime Story', 'Forgive Me, Father', 'Long Day's Journey Into Marinara', 'Whose Face Is This, Anyway?', 'Dorothy's Prized Pupil', 'Diamond in the Rough', 'Son-in-Law Dearest', 'To Catch a Neighbour', 'A Piece of Cake' and 'Empty Nests'. Season 3 episodes are: 'Old Friends', 'One for the Money', 'Bringing Up Baby', 'The Housekeeper', 'Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself', 'Letter to Gorbachev', 'Strange Bedfellows', 'Brotherly Love', 'A Visit from Little Sven', 'The Audit', 'Three On a Couch', 'Charlie's Buddy', 'The Artist', 'Blanche's Little Girl', 'Dorothy's New Friend', 'Grab That Dough', 'My Brother, My Father', 'Golden Moments', 'And Ma Makes Three', 'Larceny and Old Lace', 'Rose's Big Adventure', 'Mixed Blessings', 'Mister Terrific' and 'Mother's Day'. Season 4 episodes are: 'Yes, We Have No Havanas', 'The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo', 'The One That Got Away', 'Yokel Hero', 'Bang the Drum, Stanley', 'Sophia's Wedding: Part 1', 'Sophia's Wedding: Part 2', 'Brother, Can You Spare That Jacket?', 'Scared Straight', 'Stan Takes a Wife', 'The Auction', 'Blind Date', 'The Impotence of Being Ernest', 'Love Me Tender', 'Valentine's Day', 'Two Rode Together', 'You Gotta Have Hope', 'Fiddler On the Ropes', 'Till Death Do We Volley', 'High Anxiety', 'Little Sister', 'Sophia's Choice', 'Rites of Spring', 'Foreign Exchange' and 'We're Outta Here'.

  • Verkkokauppa: CDON
  • Kategoria: Sekalaiset
  • Saatavuus: Varastossa
  • Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää