All 24 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Osamu Tezuka. The show follows young ronin Hyakkimaru (voice of Hiroki Suzuki) as he teams up with petty thief Dororo (Rio Suzuki) and sets out to claim his missing limbs from 48 demons. The episodes are: 'The Story of Daigo', 'The Story of Bandai', 'The Story of Jukai', 'The Story of the Cursed Sword', 'The Story of the Moriko Song: Episode 1', 'The Story of the Moriko Song: Episode 2', 'The Story of the Jorogumo Silk Spider', 'The Story of Saru', 'The Story of the Merciless', 'The Story of Tahomaru', 'The Story of Banmon: Episode 1', 'The Story of Banmon: Episode 2', 'The Story of the Blank-Faced Buddha', 'The Story of Sabame', 'The Story of the Scene from Hell', 'The Story of Shiranui', 'The Story of Questions and Answers', 'The Story of the Cape of No Mercy', 'The Story of the Amanojaku', 'The Story of the Nue', 'The Story of Breaking the Cycle of Suffering', 'The Story of Nui', 'The Story of the Demons' and 'Dororo and Hyakkimaru'.
