All eleven episodes, including the special OVA episode, of the Japanese anime following a young schoolgirl who is granted magical powers. Illyasviel von Einzbern (voice of Mai Kadowaki)'s normal life is transformed when the magical wand Kaleidoscope Ruby (Naoko Takano) chooses her as its new master. After she inherits the wand, Illya is tasked with collecting seven class cards that contain the spirits of heroic legends.Illya is joined in her dangerous quest by her friend Miyu (Kaori Nazuka), who has recently acquired her own magical wand, and Ruby's former master Rin Tohsaka (Kana Ueda), who offers his assistance. The episodes are: 'Birth! A Magical Girl', 'Who?', 'Girl Meets Girl', 'We Lost', 'There Are Two Options?', 'A Blank and the End of the Night', 'Triumph and Escape', 'The Normal Girl Has Returned', 'End It Here', 'Kaleidoscope' and 'Dance at the Sports Festival'.
