The first 13 episodes of the Japanese anime that follows young man Tanjirou Kamado (voice of Natsuki Hanae) as he seeks revenge for the death of his family by becoming a demon slayer. When his young sister Nezuko (Akari Kitou) is also attacked Tanjirou learns that her humanity has been compromised and she is part-demon. However, he sticks by her and does all he can to seek a cure for her condition. The episodes are: 'Cruelty', 'Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki', 'Sabito and Makomo', 'Final Selection', 'My Own Steel', 'Swordsman Accompanying a Demon', 'Muzan Kibutsuji', 'The Smell of Enchanting Blood', 'Temari Demon and Arrow Demon', 'Together Forever', 'Tsuzumi Mansion', 'The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps' and 'Something More Important Than Life'.
