All 12 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Kei Sasuga. High school student Natsuo (voice of Taku Yashiro) falls in love with Rui (Maaya Uchida) after meeting her at a party. However, their relationship becomes complicated when Natsuo's father announces he is to marry Rui's mother.The episodes are: 'Will You Do It With Me, Here?', 'By Any Chance, Did We Do It?', 'Is It True, After All?', 'And... What About You?', 'Is It Okay... If I Fall for Him?', 'Right Here and Now, Try to Kiss', 'This Is What It Means to Go Out Together, You Know?', 'Then I Don't Have to Be an Adult', 'Don't Say That, Please?', 'Liar...', 'Are You Sure?' and 'I'm Sorry, I Love You'.
