All 12 episodes from the anime series following the adventures of a young girl with special abilities who is trained in the art of the sword and forced to face a number of daunting challenges. Saya Kisaragi (voice of Nana Mizuki) has an extraordinarily good nature that persists even in the face of situations that would try a mere mortal. Little does Saya know that her memories have been tampered with and she is the subject of a cruel experiment. How will she choose to utilise her deadly skills when she does find out? The episodes are: 'O Ye Winds of Heaven', 'It Is for Thy Sake', 'As for Man', 'That Has Made Me Sad', 'Meeting in the Way', 'Dashed By Fierce Winds', 'As Pitiless As the Storm', 'Within the World', 'Against My Wish', 'Since 'Tis By Its Breath', 'Whom Then Are There Now' and 'If Remembering Me'.
