All 25 episodes from the first season of the Japanese anime series based on the manga written by Hajime Isayama. With humanity confined to small cities within giant walls designed to keep out the man-eating Titans, Eren Jaeger (voice of Yuki Kaji), Mikasa Ackermann (Yui Ishikawa) and Armin Arlelt (Marina Inoue) team up to fight after a Titan breaches their perimeter. The episodes are:To You in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina Part 1That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina Part 2A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanitys Comeback Part 1The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanitys Comeback Part 2First Battle: The Struggle for Trost Part 1The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost Part 2Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost Part 3I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost Part 4Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost Part 5Response: The Struggle for Trost Part 6Idol: The Struggle for Trost Part 7Wound: The Struggle for Trost Part 8Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost Part 9Cant Look Into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack Part 1Special Operations Squad: Eve of the Counterattack Part 2What Needs to Be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack Part 3Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 1Forest of Giant Trees: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 2Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 3Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 4Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 5Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 6Smile: Assault On Stohess Part 1Mercy: Assault On Stohess Part 2 Wall: Assault On Stohess Part 3
