All 12 episodes from the first season of the Japanese anime based on the manga written and illustrated by Take. When Hana Uzaki (voice of Naomi Ozora) discovers that she is attending the same college as Shinichi Sakurai (Kenji Akabane), a boy with whom she went to high school, she is initially excited. However, when she worries that he is spending too much time alone, she decides that the solution to his apparent loneliness is to spend as much time with him as possible.The episodes are: 'Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!', 'The Café Owner Wants a Glimpse!', 'The Asai Family Wants to Look Out for Us!', 'I Want to Hang Out Together Over the Holiday!', 'I Want to Meddle in My Friend's Business!', 'Summer! The Beach! I Want to Test My Courage!', 'I Want to Hang Out at a Cat Café and a Pub!', 'I Want to Watch Fireworks Together!', 'Tsuki Uzaki Wants a Thrill?', 'I Want to Hang Out in Tottori!', 'Does Sakurai Want to Hang Out Too?' and 'Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out More!'
