Final 12 episodes from the fifth season of the Japanese anime based in a world where the majority of the population possess superpowers known as Quirks. Student Izuku Midoriya (voice of Daiki Yamashita) dreams of one day becoming a hero despite the fact he doesn't have a Quirk. Determined to achieve his goals, Izuku attends The Hero Academy and soon catches the eye of renowned hero All Might (Kenta Miyake), who agrees to train him.In this season, Class 1-A and Class 1-B undertake a series of mock battles. Who will be victorious? The episodes are: 'Off to Endeavor's Agency!', 'One Thing at a Time', 'Long Time No See, Selkie', 'The Hellish Todoroki Family', 'The Unforgiven', 'More of a Hero Than Anyone', 'My Villain Academia', 'Revival Party', 'Sad Man's Parade', 'Tenko Shimura: Origin', 'Tomura Shigaraki: Origin' and 'The High, Deep Blue Sky'.
