Daniel Craig returns to star as 007 in this 25th instalment of the James Bond franchise. Five years after his retirement from active service, Bond finds himself struggling to adapt to an everyday life absent from the thrills of his former profession. However, when 007 is called upon for one final mission to track down missing scientist Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik), Bond must confront the demons of his past and once again become the skilled and deadly agent required to bring down terrorist Lyutsifer Safin (Rami Malek). The cast also includes Léa Seydoux, Lashana Lynch and Ana de Armas.
29,95 €
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Sekalaiset
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää