Episodes 84-122 of the Japanese anime series following the adventures of Goku (voice of Masako Nozawa) and his search for the magical and elusive Dragon Balls. The episodes are:Rivals and ArrivalsPreliminary PerilThen There Were EightYamcha Vs TienYamchas Big BreakFull-Moon VengeanceThe Dodon WaveCounting Controversy!!Goku Enters the RingTien Shinhan Vs Jackie ChunStepping DownGoku Vs KrillinTails TaleFinal Match: Goku Vs TienVictorys Edge/Battle Power!Tiens InsurrectionThe Spirit CannonThe FallenEnter King PiccoloTambourine Attacks!Mark of the DemonHere Comes YajirobeTerrible TambourineTiens AtonementGokus RevengeGoku Vs King PiccoloPiccolo Closes InRoshis GambitKing Piccolos WishSiege On Chow CastleConquest and PowerAwaken DarknessA Taste of DestinyThe Ultimate SacrificePrelude to VengeanceBattle CryGoku Strikes BackThe Biggest CrisisFinal Showdown
