All 12 episodes of the anime series based on the manga by Ayumu Kasuga. The many Sakurada siblings are the children of the king and each is gifted with a unique power. Living in a town where security cameras observe everything to ensure the safety of the royal children, Akane Sakurada (voice of Kana Hanazawa) resolves to win the upcoming election to determine the king's heir so that she will be able to remove the cameras and live free of constant observation.The episodes are: 'The Sakurada Family's Nine Siblings', 'Big Sister's Good Image/Sato's Unrequited Love', 'I Want to Be Popular/The First Errand/Idol Activities', 'The Royal Princess' Skirt/The Mysterious Student Council President', 'Summer Vacation/Online Secret/Eight of Misaki', 'The Election and Me/My Big Sister Is Sentimental', 'Worrywart King/Secret Idol', 'Troubled Sat?/The King's Side Trip', 'Scarlet Bloom/Big Sister's Birthday', 'Search Light's Whereabouts/Big Brother Being a Big Bro', 'Goodbye, Scarlet Bloom' and 'Who Will the Crown Shine Upon'.
