All 12 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the light novel series by Rokujuyon Okazawa. In a world in which humans and demons have been at war for centuries, Dariel (voice of Tomokazu Sugita) serves in the demon army as an aide to the demon lord Bashvaza (Atsushi Abe). However, when Bashvaza fires him, Dariel sets out on his own and soon saves Malika (Akane Fujita), who invites him to stay in her village.While the demon army struggles without Dariel, he enjoys his new life as an adventurer. The episodes are: 'Dariel Gets Fired', 'Dariel Works His First Assignment As an Adventurer', 'Dariel Goes to His Old Workplace', 'Dariel Negotiates', 'Dariel Fights in a Duel', 'Dariel, Enveloped By Steam', 'Dariel Uses That One Skill', 'Dariel Tends to Many Matters', 'Dariel Has a Reunion', 'Dariel, Showered in Sparks', 'Dariel Has a Showdown' and 'Dariel Reaches Out His Hand'.

  • Verkkokauppa: CDON
  • Kategoria: Sekalaiset
  • Saatavuus: Varastossa
  • Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää