Second instalment in the anime film franchise based on the television series of the same name. When two young girls, Madoka and Sayaka (voices of Aoi Yuki and Eri Kitamura) come across a mysterious creature by the name of Kyubey (Emiri Katou), he offers to grant them one wish each in exchange for turning them into magical witches under his command. In this instalment, Madoka learns that Kyubey has been using the energy generated by the new witches to control the universe, so the witches get together to try to transform themselves back into their human selves to put a stop to Kyubey's power.

  • Verkkokauppa: CDON
  • Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
  • Toimituskulut: 2,90 €
  • Saatavuus: Varastossa
  • Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää