Join Hercules, the mortal with superhuman powers (and the son of Zeus) in Disney's 35th full length animated movie. In an attempt to prove himself in the eyes of his father, Hercules sets out on a series of adventures with Pegasus the flying horse and Phil his personal trainer. However, hot-headed Hades (voiced by James Woods) tries to scupper Hercules' plans and take over Mount Olympus. Hercules must then decide between his legendary strength and the love of his life, Meg.

  • Verkkokauppa: CDON
  • Merkki: Hercules
  • Kategoria: Sekalaiset
  • Toimituskulut: 2,90 €
  • Saatavuus: Varastossa
  • Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää