Andrew Garfield reprises his role as Peter Parker in this superhero sequel based on the Marvel Comics characters. By day Peter Parker enjoys an ordinary life, spending time with his girlfriend Gwen (Emma Stone), but by night he battles evil in New York City. The emergence of Electro (Jamie Foxx), a figure with startling power and malevolent intentions, poses Spider-Man his greatest challenge to date, and he also has The Rhino (Paul Giamatti) to keep under control.The unexpected return of his old friend Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) is more welcome and together, the pair come to realise that shadowy Oscorp corporation seems to be responsible for much of the evil they encounter. Can they find a way to put an end to Oscorp's nefarious activities?SKÅDESPELARE:Andrew GarfieldEmma StoneJamie FoxxPaul GiamattiDane DeHaanCampbell ScottEmbeth DavidtzColm FeoreSally FieldMartin SheenChris ZylkaDenis LearyFrank DealMarton ScokasStan LeeÖVRIGT:Mediatyp: Blu-rayProduktionsår: 2014Produktionsland: USARegi: Marc WebbManus: Alex KurtzmanÅldersgräns: 11 årDistributör: ImportBild: 2.40:1 HDSpråk: EngelskaText: Svenska, Norska, Danska, Finska, EngelskaLjud: dts-HD Master Audio 5.1Längd: 2 tim 21 minLabel: Sony PicturesStreckkod: 5051124139997SKU: 19385EXTRAS:Se baksida film
