Animated comedy sequel featuring the voice talents of Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Mary J. Blige and James Corden. Following on from events in 'Trolls' (2016), Poppy and Branch (voices of Kendrick and Timberlake) have their world turned upside down when they discover they are one of six tribes in the Troll kingdom, each one for six separate types of music: pop, classical, country, funk, techno and rock.When Queen Barb (Rachel Bloom) and the other rock Trolls arrive and threaten to take over the kingdom and wipe out all other kinds of music, Poppy, Branch and their friends must come up with a plan to make sure that each of the lands is able to retain their unique sound and avoid being taken over by rock.
11,95 €
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Toimituskulut: 2,90 €
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää