All the episodes from the third season of the Japanese anime which follows orphans Asta (voice of Gakuto Kajiwara) and Yuno (Nobunaga Shimazaki) as they make their way in the magical Clover Kingdom, both attempting to be crowned the Wizard King. The episodes are: 'Release from Misfortune', 'Lightning of Rage Vs Friends', 'Smiles, Tears', 'Path of Revenge, Path of Atonement', 'The Battle for Clover Castle', 'Battlefield Dancer', 'Spatial Mage Brothers', 'The Raging Bull Joins the Showdown!!', 'The Eyes in the Mirror', 'Humans Who Can Be Trusted', 'Storming the Shadow Palace', 'The Final Invaders', 'Mastermind', 'The Ultimate Natural Enemy', 'Breaking the Seal', 'A Reunion Across Time and Space', 'The Final Attack', 'Dawn', 'Three Problems', 'As Pitch Black As It Gets', 'Nero Reminisces... Part One', 'Nero Reminisces...
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää