13 episodes of the Japanese anime following high school student Utena Tenjou (voice of Tomoko Kawakami) as she endeavours to become a prince. Following the death of her parents Utena is given a rose signet ring by a mysterious prince. Years later Utena becomes involved in a duelling contest with other student council members from Ootori Academy who have matching rings. Victory results in possessing the enigmatic Rose Bride, Anthy (Yuriko Fuchizaki), and an opportunity to change the world. The episodes are: 'The Rose Bride', 'For Whom the Rose Smiles', 'On the Night of the Ball', 'The Sunlit Garden: Prelude', 'The Sunlit Garden: Finale', 'Take Care, Miss Nanami!', 'Unfulfilled Juri', 'Curried High Trip', 'The Castle Said to Hold Eternity', 'Nanami's Precious One', 'Gracefully Cruel: The One Who Picks That Flower', 'For Friendship, Perhaps' and 'Tracing a Path'.
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää