Steven Caple Jr. directs this seventh instalment of the 'Transformers' franchise which serves as a prequel to 'Transformers' (2007) and a sequel to 'Bumblebee' (2018). When the planet destroyer Unicron (voice of Colman Domingo) attacks the homeworld of the Maximals, seeking to steal their Transwarp Key - a device which enables travel through portals in space and time - the Maximals use the Key to flee to Earth. In New York in 1994, Noah Diaz (Anthony Ramos) stumbles across the Autobot Mirage (voice of Pete Davidson) while Elena Wallace (Dominique Fishback), a museum worker, discovers half of the Transwarp Key. This triggers the arrival of the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen), and Unicron's Terrorcons, led by Scourge (Peter Dinklage). The Autobots want to use the Key to return to Cybertron but Unicron's Terrorcons have other ideas and Noah and Elena must join forces with the Autobots and the Maximals to save the world.
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää