The complete Seasons One to Three of the Canadian historical crime drama series set in late 19th-century Toronto. Yannick Bisson stars as Inspector William Murdoch, a dashing young detective who pioneers new scientific approaches to solving crime such as fingerprinting, forensic techniques and lie detector machines. Assisted by coroner Dr Julia Ogden (Helene Joy) and Constable George Crabtree (Jonny Harris), Murdoch employs these new-fangled methods - as well as his own unswerving instinct - to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders. Season One episodes comprise: 'Power', 'Glass Ceiling', 'The Knockdown', 'Elementary, My Dear Murdoch', ''Til Death Do Us Part', 'Let Loose the Dogs', 'Body Double', 'Still Waters', 'Belly Speaker', 'Child's Play', 'Bad Medicine', 'The Prince and the Rebel' and 'The Annoying Red Planet'. Season Two episodes comprise: 'Mild Mild West', 'Snakes and Ladders', 'Dinosaur Fever', 'Houdini Whodunit', 'The Green Muse', 'Shades of Grey', 'Big Murder On Campus', 'I, Murdoch', 'Convalescence', '', 'Let Us Ask the Maiden', 'Werewolves' and 'Anything You Can Do'. Finally, Season Three episodes comprise: 'The Murdoch Identity', 'The Great Wall', 'Victor, Victorian', 'Rich Boy, Poor Boy', 'Me, Myself and Murdoch', 'This One Goes to Eleven', 'Blood and Circuses', 'Furture Imperfect', 'Love and Human Remains', 'The Curse of Beaton Manor', 'Hangman', 'In the Altogether' and 'The Tesla Effect'.
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää