Mukava ja kestävä silikoninen kellonauha. Ranneke on yhteensopiva Apple Watch 38mm ja 40mm kellojen kanssa.Voit säätää rannekkeen pituutta sujuvasti ja helposti 14,5-18,5cm ranteeseesi sopivaksi.Ominaisuudet ja edutMukava rannekeMateriaali: SilikoniHelppo puhdistaaSäädettävissä välillä 145-185mmLeveys: 20mmHelppo asentaa kelloonThe bands for Apple Watch with 38mm are compatible with both 40mm and 41mm Apple Watch models. The reason for this is that the two sizes (38mm and 40mm) have the same width of the strap, so the wristband that fits the 38mm model will also fit on the 40mm and 41mm, as they are almost identical in dimensions. Below are the models that have 38mm, 40mm and 41mm:Apple Watch Series 0 - 38mmApple Watch Series 1 - 38mmApple Watch Series 2 - 38mmApple Watch Series 3 - 38mmApple Watch Series 4 - 40mmApple Watch Series 5 - 40mmApple Watch SE (1st generation) - 40mmApple Watch Series 6 - 40mmApple Watch SE (2nd generation) - 40mmApple Watch Series 7 - 41mmApple Watch Series 8 - 41mmApple Watch Series 9 - 41mmTämä teksti on käännetty automaattisesti, virheitä voi esiintyä.
