TEKSTITYS SUOMEKSI LÖYTYY. Käytetty. Zoey Deschanel! Joseph Gordon-Levitt!Voimme tavata Turun seudulla tai lähetän paketin jossa Postin määrittämä hinta.I also speak English.
Tori | 24.01.2024 | Turku Ilmianna ylläpidolleBritish miniseries starring Ian McDiarmid, covering the 37 days between the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Britain's declaration of war against Germany in 1914. The episodes comprise:...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleWalter Ostroske & John Devaney: Break 100 in 21 DaysAlaotsikko: A How-To Guide for the Weekend GolferISBN: 039951600XKustantaja: Putnam Publishing GroupKieli: EnglantiPainovuosi: 1990Sivumäärä:...
Tori | 26.01.2024 | Joensuu Ilmianna ylläpidolleWe are a fast growing and innovative company with a mission to lead the transformation into a more digital and sustainable tomorrow. At Normet everyone is provided with opportunities to reach...
Duunitori | 14.12.2021 | Iisalmi Ilmianna ylläpidolleMyydään dvd-elokuvia. 1eur/kpl tai 5eur kaikki. Mamma mia Hairspray FC Venus (500) Days of Summer Piiat 50/50 Coco Chanel
Tori | 08.02.2024 | Turku Ilmianna ylläpidolleCollection of films from the family comedy franchise based on Jeff Kinney's best-selling illustrated novels detailing the trials and tribulations of a wise-cracking pre-teen. 'Diary of a Wimpy...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleBluraytPidä varas! 4eTerminator Genisys 5eJuoppohullun päiväkirja 5eKauhea kankkunen 2 5eDrive 4eThe Cobbler 4eOnnenonkija 5eDVDRush Hour 2 2eRush Hour 3 2eSpy 2eJerry Cotton 3e(500) Days...
Tori | 14.01.2024 | Padasjoki Ilmianna ylläpidolleMarilyn Monroe: The Best Of DVD (2006) Betty Grable, Hawks (DIR) cert PG 4Title:Marilyn Monroe: The Best OfLeading Actor:Betty GrableRegion:Region 2Duration:281 minsFormat:DVD / Box SetType:DVDNo....
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleWalimex pro Wind Machine 500 Turbo windtunnel with a dimmer scale. Due to the steplessly adjustable power of the fan, the Wind Machine is incredibly versatile from summer breeze up to storm the...
Tori | 09.02.2024 | Tuusula Ilmianna ylläpidolleMyydään seuraavat dvd-elokuvat: (500) Days of Summer Moulin Rouge Holiday Blondin kosto 1 ja 2 Batman Batman - paluu Batman Forever Bridget Jones - Elämäni sinkkuna Sex and the City (elokuva)...
Tori | 16.11.2023 | Helsinki Ilmianna ylläpidolle63 CD levyä joista osa tuplia, 4:n CD:n ja 10 CD:n kokoelmia.Yksittäiset 10 euroa/kpl, tuplat 15 euroa/kpl ja muut kysyttäessä.Isommista määristä voidaan neuvotella.Postikulut lisätään.Ulkomaalaiset...
Tori | 23.10.2023 | Turku Ilmianna ylläpidolleTurisaksen omakustanne ep vuodelta 2001. Rajoitettu painos (500 kpl)1. The Heart Of Turisas (4:35)2. Til The Last Man Falls (5:26)3. Those Were The Days (4:04)Hinta sisältää postituksen.
Tori | 15.12.2023 | Jyväskylä Ilmianna ylläpidolleElizabeth Arden Green Tea Cucumber Edt captures a refreshing drink of water with cucumbers, ideal for hot summer days. The fragrance celebrates freshness, joy and those cheerful and pleasant...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleGuess 1981 Indigo for Women is a floral-woody perfume with sea mist accords and a fruity addition of fig with Pinot Noir wine, designed for relaxed summer days as the aroma equivalent of a white...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidollePig, animal figure, from Schleich Farm World.The domestic pig from Schleich® is not picky when it comes to food, he likes everything. Also vegetarian food. When he needs to cool off, he rolls...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleExplicit gay thriller directed by Alain Guiraudie. Young gay man Franck (Pierre Deladonchamps) spends his summer days at a secluded lakeside shore, which has become a regular haunt for like-minded...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleEverybody Wants Some!! DVD (2016) Blake Jenner, Linklater (DIR) cert 15Title:Everybody Wants Some!!Leading Actor:Blake JennerRegion:Region 2Duration:117 minsFormat:DVD / NormalType:DVDNo. of...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleLÅTAR:Disc 11. Transmaniacon Mc2. I'm on the Lamb but I Ain't No Sheep3. Then Came the Last Days of May4. Stairway to the Stars5. Before the Kiss, a Redcap6. Screams7. She's As Beautiful As...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidollePlaystation 4 game Complete with box and instructionsIn ROBOTICS;NOTES ELITE, play as Kaito Yashio, one of the last two members of Central Tanegashima High?s Robot Research Club. He kicks back...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleArticle number: 88691936342Artist: Blue Oyster CultBarcode: 0886919363425Distributor: BertusLabel: ColumbiaMedia: CDRelease date: 2013-01-31Tracks: 1. TRANSMANIACON MC2. I'M ON THE LAMB BUT I...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleDawson's Creek: Season 6 DVD (2006) James Van der Beek cert 15 6 discsTitle:Dawson's Creek: Season 6Leading Actor:James Van der BeekRegion:Region 2Duration:1080 minsFormat:DVD / Box SetType:DVDNo....
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleJawbreaker Records are proud to announce the new album "Religious Disease" from Swedish thrashers Disarray on all formats.Just like when thrash was new, it’s a global crisis that underlies...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleÅterutgivning av Marillions album "This Strange Engine" som först släpptes 1997. Denna deluxeversion släpps i form av en exklusiv earBook som inkluderar 4CD och en blu-ray. På CD 1 får...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleCollection of five existential comedy dramas from Swedish director Roy Andersson and a documentary focusing on his life's work. 'A Swedish Love Story' (1970) charts the relationship that develops...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleGossip Girl: Seasons 1-4 DVD (2011) Leighton Meester cert 15 22 discsTitle:Gossip Girl: Seasons 1-4Leading Actor:Leighton MeesterRegion:Region 2Format:DVD / Box SetType:DVDNo. of Discs:22 disc(s)Studio...
CDON | 13.03.2025 | Ilmianna ylläpidolleSuositut haut
Vastaavia tuotteita on aiemmin myyty näillä hinnoilla
8 kpl Blu-ray - elokuvia
Settinä kaikki yht. 10eur. Twilight - trilogia, P.S. I love you, Mamma Mia!, The Notebook, 500 Days of Summer ja Woodstock.
Tori | 28.01.2018 | JyväskyläYksiö/soluhuone kesäksi | Room for summer
Yliopisto-opiskelija (nainen) haluaa vuokrata pienen asunnon tai huoneen soluasunnosta kesäharjoittelun vuoksi Turusta. Vuokra-aika voidaan neuvotella asuntosi vapaanaolon mukaisesti muutamasta viikosta maksimissaan neljään kuukauteen. Tavoitteena löytää edullinen kämppä eli noin hintaluokassa 230 - 330 /kk. Asunnon tarve olisi jo hetimmiten. Otathan pian yhteyttä!Soitot englanniksi! Sähköpostiviestit hoituu suomeksikin.*****University student (female) wants to rent a room in Turku for the duration of summer internship. Rental contract can be made according to availability of your room (from couple of weeks to maximum four months). Planned budget is about 230 - 330 /month. Need for accommodation starts in few days, so please contact soon!
Tori | 21.04.2018 |Dvd elokuvia
DVD elokuvia halvalla! -Dino seikkailee-MR.Beans holiday ja Bean the ultimate disaster movie-Alvin ja pikkuoravat 2-Percy Jackson salamavaras-Disneyn kauhukavalkaadi-Magic Mike-Street dance -Night at the museum 2 ja Ice Age jäätikön sankarit-(500) Days of summer-Men in black 2-I love you, Beth Cooper-Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset osa 1-Madagaskar 2-Fitness tanssi-Ullakkojengi (kansi vaurioitunut, levy täysin ehjä) -Night at the museum-Pussikaljaelokuva -High school musical remix (2 levyinen)-High school musical 2 extended dance edition -All about Steve -Narnian tarinat Kaspian matka maailman ääriin-2012Hintapyyntö 3/kpl / fazerin sininen/ juhlamokkaKaikki levyt yhteishintaan 40
Tori | 13.12.2017 | TampereTechnoGym Upright Bike Excite 500 LED - NEW
Details: -Category: Indoor Cycle-Brand: Technogym-Condition: New-Production Year: 2017-Shipping: Charge for Shipping-Description: Fitness-Trader BV. for all your fitness equipment.+Sales for entrepreneurs and individuals!Fitness-Trader B.V. is one of the largest fitness-dealers in EuropeWe have 5000 m² warehouse with every week a new stock of used equipment.You can also come to us for a 3D drawing, so that you have a good idea what fits in the available space.We deliver to gyms, personal trainings studio, physiotherapy practices, company fitness, wellness centers, sports associations but also to private individuals.We are official remanufactured seller of Matrix and Life Fitness, and give 24 months warranty on this equipment.* All prices are exclusive of VAT and shipping costs.* Ability to you within 24 hours to make an offer for* Delivery within Europe within 14 days* Pick up at our warehouse in Dronten/Netherlands* Extensive range of machines* Maintenance and repair* Ability to complete your gym (floors, mirrors, small fitness and more).* Lease (Netherlands)* Delivery possible, pick up in our warehouse of course also possible.* We buy and exchange in equipment* Refurbished equipment, at least 6 months warranty* Possible to buy the appliances as it is , completely overhauled or remanufacturedOur range of fitness equipment is very varied, we sell the following brands and equipment:Would you like to order or you have any question ?Email: [email protected] Dieze 6A8253 PS DrontenNetherlands
Tori | 02.02.2018 | |Escada Fiesta Carioca EdT 50 ml UUSI
Myydään uusi, avaamaton upea tuoksu. Muovikuoret päällä. Tax-free hinta n. 50. Escadan ns. kesätuoksu v. 2017.Fiesta Carioca vie ajatukset aurinkoiseen paikaan, ja luo lämpimän, kesäisen tunnelman kehoon. Tuoksu kutkuttaa aistejasi hempeän Brasilialaisen passiohedelmän ja mehukaan punaisten vadelmien yhdistelmällä. Aistillinen ja lämmin passionkukan ja appelsiininkukan tuoksu herättää intohimon, ja muistuttaa kesän ensimmäisen auringon kosketuksesta iholla. Viettelevä myski ja setri viimeistelevät lumoavan, hedelmäisen kukkaistuoksun. Tuoksu heijastaa Escada-naisen vastustamatonta aistillisuutta. Fiesta Carioca on 2017 vuoden limited edition . nordicfeel.com Revel in the pleasures of summer and bask in the happiness of life with ESCADA Fiesta Carioca; an overdose of passion with Passion fruit accord and Passion flower. escada-fragrances.comNouto tai postitus, jolloin kulut ostajalle. Kulkeutuu satunnaisesti myös Tampereelle.Escada, tuoksu, parfyymi, EdP, Eau de Parfym, EdT, Eau de Toilette, hajuvesi, natural spray
Tori | 31.01.2018 | JyväskyläNintendo Wii Black Edition + yli 50 peliä
Tässä kunnon setti: - Nintendo Wii konsoli (USB Loaderilla) - 2 ohjainta - 2 NunChuckia - 1 kpl PLUS ohjaimen tarkuuttaa lisäävän lisäosan - 2 kpl silikonisuojia - Sports setti urheilupeleihin - Western Digital 250 GB:n kovalevyn jossa yli 50 peliä (katso listaa) jonka arvo on satoja euroja! - kaikki tarvittavat piuhat ja ym palikat Pelit: Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Bermuda Triangle Brunswick Cosmic Bowling Brunswick Pro Bowling CabelaŽs Monster Buck Hunter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex Chicken Riot CSI: Hard Evidence Dance Party Pop Hits Dirt 2 Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast Family Party: 30 great Games - Winter Fun Family Ski & Snowboard FFCC EOT Game Party 3 GTI Club Supermini Festa Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Hasbro Family Game Night KR Madagaskar 2 Madagaskar Kartz MARIO & SONIC at the Olympic Winter Games Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2 Monopoly My Body Coach Need For Speed - ProStreet Need For Speed - Undercover New Super Mario Bros Wii New Fitness First Mind Body NHL 2K11 PARTY PACK for Revolution Racket Sports Party Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Sonic and the Black Knight Sonic and the Secret Rings Sonic Unleashed Spellbound Party SPORTS ISLAND 2 Super Mario Galaxy Super Paper Mario The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess THINK Logic Trainer Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2010 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2011 Wario Land: The Shake Dimension Water Sports World Championships Sports: Summer World Party Games Worms: A Space Oddity Xenoblade Yoga Zumba
Tori | 28.01.2018 | SipooThe Beach Boys cd-paketti, 15 kpl
Myynnissä Beach Boysien cd-paketti: Alkuperäis cd:t (julkaistu 90-luvulla)- Surfin safari-Little deuce coupe /All summer long-Smiley Smile / Wild Honey-Summer days /-Party /Stack-o-Track-Sunflower /Surfs up - Good Vibration, 2006 -Sound of summer singles, julk 2001 -Studio sessions 61-61, julk 2000 -Live at Knebworth, julk 2002 -Brian Wilson presents Smile, julk 2004 + promo Good vibration- The greatest hits vol 3, promo Kopiot:Brian Wilson Royal Festival Hall 2004, Brian Wilson presents Pet Sounds Live
Tori | 26.01.2018 | Lieto4x car tires 175 65R14
4 (summer) tires. We havent used them as we have only driven the car they came with in winter, not sure how much previous owners used them but still plenty of profile.50 euros for the lot including vanteet.
Tori | 27.11.2017 | RovaniemiLP: Hit Trax
Hit Trax Wea Music The Stunning Sound of The 90sSide A: 1.Gladys Knight: Licence to Kill 2.Donna Summer: I Dont Wanna Get Hurt3. Tom Petty: I Wont Back Down4. Simply Red: A New Flame 5. Kon Kan: Harry Houdini 6. 10 000 Maniacs: Trouble Me 7. Bee Gees: One8. London Boys: London NightsSide B: 1. Transvision Vamp: Landslide of Love 2. Little River Band: Listen to your heart3.Fuzzbox: Pink Sunshine4. Avalanche: Johnny, Johnny come home5. Bobby Brown: Every little Step6. Sheena Easton: Days like this7. Guns N Roses: Patience
Tori | 03.12.2017 | KemiTrainee, Sustainability
We believe that it is the task of each generation to leave its children a healthier planet. To succeed in this, we create responsible choices, every day - choices that enable people to live a more sustainable life and consume fewer natural resources. There are roughly 5,000 Neste employees in Europe, Asia and North America. We are the world's largest producer of renewable diesel refined from waste and residues, and we are also bringing renewable solutions to the aviation and plastics industries. We are looking for the best professionals in their respective fields - people who have the will to make the world cleaner. Sustainability is one of Neste's four values and core element of our strategy. We promote responsible business by offering sustainable solutions to the needs of customers and society and by operating as transparently as possible throughout our supply chain. We are now looking for a results oriented, collaborative and motivated Trainee, Sustainability to join our Sustainability team in the Espoo headquarters to support us in our key sustainability projects. Main responsibilities and tasks Sustainability risk assessment of Neste's renewable products feedstock sourcing countries Sustainability risk assessment of Neste's renewable products key feedstocks Assistance in the development of the digital Supplier Sustainability Portal Assistance in the Sustainability Due Diligence process for Neste's on-boarding Renewable Products feedstock suppliers Profile and qualifications Relevant university studies within Sustainability, Economics and Business Administration, Social Sciences, Industrial Engineering or similar Independent, results oriented person with a novel thinking approach A decent level of understanding on business driven sustainability through studies, volunteering, hobbies or interests Solid motivational drivers and interest to further develop Neste's sustainability position Fluent language skills in English, international experience is an asset We offer a trainee position lasting until the end of 2018 with a possibility to work 2-5 days per week in parallel with your studies and full time during summer. The start date is negotiable, however preferably the soonest after the selection of a suitable candidate. For further information, please contact Sustainability Specialist Eveliina Vikström, +358 50 458 4440, between 4.-12.12.2017. Please submit your application and CV by 17th December, 2017. The person selected for the position must pass a health examination that includes a drug test. Security clearance is obtained for the person with their consent. We have a continuous enthusiasm of development. We believe in people who find new ways to do things and who are team players - people for whom safety and sustainability are parts of their professional skills. We value every individual. Come and do meaningful work in a community that has its eyes set forward! Before you apply, test how much you are like Neste - LikeNeste !
Duunitori | 30.11.2017 | Espoo