When the war comes, when the disaster is a fact, then it is good to be prepared! We've put together a kit that we hope you'll never need to use, but which is very good to have in case you have to. In addition to the survival bag, a plastic canister and emergency radio are also included.Survival bag - survival kitWe've had survival experts put together a bag that they've filled with everything you could possibly need when war comes or when the unthinkable happens. Solid and good stuff that lasts right through and a stable and well-made bag that holds everything. You can check what the bag contains via this link: https://www.xn--importren-57a.se/produkt/survival-bag-survival-kit-survival-kit-x-3/RadioTFTDOUP MINI battery solar powered radio is the smallest emergency radio on the market! You can easily listen to important weather or news updates, and you can keep it in your trunk or suitcase, or carry it around with the included wrist strap. It's even small enough to fit in your pocket! It allows you to listen to all shortwave, AM and FM channels to enjoy music and relax in no time! Very suitable for camping, hiking, outdoor survival or during power outages! The radio can be charged in an electrical socket or built-in crank as well as built-in solar cells. You can charge your mobile from it and it also has a powerful LED lamp built in. Radio's flashlight is a combination of three 1W flashlights that are 3 times brighter than similar lights in emergency radios! If you want to know more about the radio, follow this link: https://www.highlandsenergi.com/butik/andra-smarta-energiprodukter-med-mera/smidig-nod-och-friluftsradio-for-lyssning-av-fm-och -am bands/Collapsible water can 20 l with tap and handleWater is vital in both war and peace, and this collapsible water can holds 20 litres. Manufactured in "safe plastic" free from Bisphenol A, which makes it perfectly suitable for your drinking water. The tank has a tap and handle and is easy to store as it takes up no space at all when folded flat. Read more about the can https://www.xn--importren-57a.se/produkt/hopfallbar-vattentank-20-l-i-bisfenol-a-fri-plast/Article number: 096204