We hope you never need to use this bag, but it is very good to have in case you have to. We've had survival experts put together a bag that they've filled with everything you could possibly need when war comes or when the unthinkable happens. Solid and good stuff that lasts right through and a stable and well-made bag that holds everything. It is advantageously combined with our plastic cans and with our emergency radio. In addition to this, dry food is also good to have ready.Measure:Height: 20.5 cmWidth: 15 cmDepth: 12.5 cmThe bag containsThe bag itselfCombination tools, hammer, pliers, knife and saw, etc.Spade/ sawSurvival knifePencil/glass cutterBracelet with compass and spark plugFlashlightHolder for the flashlight that can be attached, for example, to the spade handleCabin hooks for climbing and winchFiring pin for lighting a fireCombination toolStrong string/ropeWaterproof case for the mobile phoneProtective glovesCutlery in flexible combination tool designCollapsible lampCompassSawyerWhistleFirst Aid KitTopsFishing tackleTelescopic standSelf-luminous emergency lightsScissorTweezersBandagePatent needlesTapeSupport dressingRescue blanketTentRaincoatsSlingDressingCleaning wipesAntiseptic disinfection wipesBand-AidArticle number: 096294
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Merkki: Highlands
- Kategoria: Ulkoliikunta ja urheilu luonnossa
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää
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