All 24 episodes from the first series of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Kazuma Kamachi. The series is set in the fictional Academy City, a land that is inhabited by students who possess psychic powers, and follows the daily activities of level three esper Mikoto Misaka (voice of Rina Satou) who dreams of one day climbing the ranks to a level five. The episodes are:'Electromaster', 'When Working Under a Hot Sun, Rehydration Is Essential', 'Tokiwadai Is Targeted', 'Urban Legends', 'A Certain Pair of New Trainees', 'Everyone Is Proactive When It Comes to This', 'Abilities and Powers', 'Level Upper', 'Majority Report', 'Silent Majority', 'Dr.Kiyama', 'AIM Burst', 'A Bikini Divides the Eyeline Between Top and Bottom, But a One-Piece Shows Off the Figure So They Only Flatter the Slender', 'Special Workshop', 'Skill Out', 'Academy City', 'Tsuzuri's Summer Vaction', 'Asunaro Park', 'Midsummer Festival', 'Poltergeist', 'Voices', 'Level 6 (The One Who Obtains the Power of God Whilst Still Possessing a Mortal Body)', 'What Is It You See In Your Eyes Right Now?' and 'Dear My Friends'.
