Heart-warming Pixar animated tale about a robot who accidentally discovers the way to save planet Earth. 700 years after humanity has left Earth, WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) fills his days collecting rubbish, and anything else that takes his fancy, trying to fend off the boredom of his lot. But unknowingly, the tiny tube-eyed robot has discovered a secret that could make the once beautiful planet habitable again, enabling humankind to return. One day, Eve, a search robot, lands on Earth in a cloud of dust, and WALL-E is smitten. When she realises the importance of his find, she sets out to tell the remaining humans, eager to let them know the planet can be saved. But WALL-E, after centuries of being alone, can't bear to see her go, and hitches a ride through the cosmos on an adventure his memory banks will never forget.
