All 13 episodes of the Japanese anime series set in a distant future where almost all of humanity has left the Earth and run afoul of an alien species called Hideauze. A young pilot serving in the conflict against these interstellar enemies, Ledo (voice of Kaito Ishikawa) loses control of his mecha in battle and drifts through space before crashing on a now mostly submerged planet Earth. The episodes are: 'Castaway', 'The Planet of Origin', 'The Villainous Empress', 'The Flute of Recollection', 'Calm Day', 'Festival', 'A Soldier's Fate', 'Separation', 'Deep Sea Secret', 'Island of Ambition', 'Supreme Ruler of Terror', 'Moment of Decision' and 'Legend of the Verdurous Planet'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.


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