All 13 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Nio Nakatani. After joining her high school's student council, first-year student Yuu Koito (voice of Yuki Takada) develops feelings for Touko Nanami (Minako Kotobuki), who is running for council president. The episodes are: 'I Can't Reach the Star', 'Heating Up/Application for First Love', 'Still Up in the Air/The One Who Likes Me', 'The Distance Between Fondness and Kisses/Not One of the Characters', 'The Problem With Choices', 'Words Kept Repressed/Words Used to Repress', 'Secrets Galore/Sparks', 'Intersection/Rained in', 'On Your Marks/The Unheard Start Signal', 'The Incomplete Me/Midday Star/Mirage', 'Centroid of the Triangle/Lit Fuse', 'Suddenly Suffocation' and 'To the Last Stop/Lighthouse'.
